Licensing Bill

Bill Number: Bill 69/11-16

Bill Type: Non-Executive

Bill Sponsor: Judith Cochrane 

The Licensing Bill is:

A Bill to make provision for the granting of licences to authorise the sale of intoxicating liquor at outdoor stadia.

                                                    Stages of a Bill

Bill Stage Date Completed / Status All Associated documents and links
First Stage 24 November 2015

Bill as Introduced (PDF)(HTM)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum (PDF)(HTM

Official Report - 24 November 2015

Second Stage 7 December 2015

Official Report - 7 December 2015 

Committee Stage 16 February 2016 Report on the Licensing Bill
Consideration Stage 29 February 2016

Revised Notice of Amendments - 23 February 2016

Annotated Marshalled List of Amendments - 25 February 2016

Grouping List of Amendments - 25 February 2016

Bill - As Amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Explanatory and Financial Memorandum - As Amended at Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Official Report - 29 February 2016

Further Consideration Stage 8 March 2016

Notice of Amendments - 2 March 2016

Annotated Marshalled List of Amendments - 8 March 2016

Groupings List of Amendments - 3 March 2016

Bill - As Amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF)(HTM)

Explanatory and Financial Memorandum - As Amended at Further Consideration Stage (PDF) (HTM)

Official Report - 8 March 2016

Final Stage 15 March 2016  Official Report - 15 March 2016
Royal Assent 12 May 2016  Licensing Act