Order Paper

Reference: OP 217/11-15

Date: 17 June 2014

The Assembly to sit at 10.30am.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Public Petition

Closure of Collegiate Grammar School, Enniskillen

Mrs A Foster

3. Executive Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Budget (No.2) Bill 2014

Minister of Finance and Personnel

4. Question Time

4.1 Agriculture and Rural Development

4.2 Culture, Arts and Leisure

5. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage: Work and Families Bill (NIA Bill 34/11-15)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 30 November 2014, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Work and Families Bill (NIA Bill 34/11-15).

Chairperson, Committee for Employment and Learning

Motion: (a) Amend Standing Order 37 - Exceptional Further Consideration Stage


After Standing Order 37, insert –

‘37A.   Public Bills: Exceptional Further Consideration Stage

(1) If, after the Further Consideration Stage of a Bill, and prior to its Final Stage, the Minister or member of the Assembly in charge of the Bill submits a statement to the Speaker, in writing, asserting—

(a) that, as a consequence of an amendment made to the Bill, either a provision of the Bill is outside the legislative competence of the Assembly, or the Bill has a serious technical defect, and

(b) that the Assembly had not fully considered prior to making, or not making, any relevant amendment that the Bill might, as a result, be outside the legislative competence of the Assembly or have a serious technical defect,

the Bill shall be set down on the list of pending future business until a date for Exceptional Further Consideration Stage is determined.

(2) A statement submitted to the Speaker under paragraph (1) shall be circulated to all members of the Assembly, as soon as is practicable, and published in a manner determined by the Speaker.          

(3)  An amendment proposed to a Bill at Exceptional Further Consideration Stage shall only be selected if the Speaker is satisfied—

(a)  that the amendment is intended either -

(i) to bring the Bill within the legislative competence of the Assembly, or

(ii) to correct any serious technical defect;

(b) that the proposed amendment deals with a matter specified in the statement under paragraph (1)(a) and which has arisen as a consequence of an amendment made to the Bill; and

(c) that the Assembly had not fully considered prior to making, or not making, any relevant amendment that the Bill might, as a result, be outside the legislative competence of the Assembly or have a serious technical defect.

(4) Subject to paragraphs (1) to (3) above, the provisions of Standing Order 37 and Standing Order 39 shall apply to Exceptional Further Consideration Stage of a Bill as if in those Standing Orders for ‘Further Consideration Stage’ there were substituted ‘Exceptional Further Consideration Stage’.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: (b) Amend Standing Order 31 - Exceptional Further Consideration Stage


In Standing Order 31 line 1, after ‘33(1),’ insert –


Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: (c) Amend Standing Order 35 - Exceptional Further Consideration Stage


After Standing Order 35(19), insert –

‘(19A)   Paragraphs (17) to (19) apply to Exceptional Further Consideration Stage as

they do to Further Consideration Stage.’

Chairperson, Committee on Procedures

Motion: Report of the Committee for Education on its Inquiry into the Education and Training Inspectorate and the School Improvement Process (NIA 132/11-15)


That this Assembly approves the report of the Committee for Education on its Inquiry into the Education and Training Inspectorate and the School Improvement Process (NIA 132/11-15); and calls on the Minister of Education to implement the recommendations contained in the report.

Chairperson, Committee for Education

6. Private Members’ Business

Motion: Integrated Education


That this Assembly notes the High Court ruling on the judicial review taken by Drumragh Integrated College; welcomes the reaffirmation of the statutory duty under Article 64 of the Education Reform (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 “to encourage and facilitate integrated education”; further welcomes the Court’s confirmation that integrated education, as referred to in Article 64, means a standalone concept envisaging the education of children together at the same school rather than in a school which has a predominately Catholic or Protestant ethos; and calls on the Minister of Education to place Article 64 at the heart of educational planning and to publish guidance within his own Department and beyond to ensure that this is the case in departmental decisions when planning for education.

Mr T Lunn
Mr C Lyttle
Mr S Dickson
Ms A Lo

7. Adjournment

  • Bangor Health and Well-Being Centre

Mr G Dunne