Order Paper
Reference: OP 133/11-15
Date: 29 April 2013
2. Question Time
2.1 Health, Social Services and Public Safety
2.2 Justice
3. Private Members’ Business
Motion: 400 Year Historical Legacy
That this Assembly recognises the significant historical legacy that the last 400 years have given to Northern Ireland and, in particular, to Londonderry and the North West Region, with the 400th anniversary of the building of the City Walls, and the granting of charters in 1613 for the City of Londonderry and the town of Limavady; and hopes that there will be significantly increased tourism and additional employment opportunities resulting from a spectacular and momentous year.
Mr G Campbell
Mr G Robinson
Motion: Marriage Equality at the Constitutional Convention
That this Assembly recognises the importance of the Constitutional Convention; notes the participation of parties from the Assembly; welcomes the 79 per cent majority vote at the Constitutional Convention in favour of marriage equality; and calls on the Executive to bring forward the necessary legislation to allow for same sex marriage.
Ms C Ruane
Ms B McGahan
Mr B McElduff