Order Paper

Date: 16 July 2013

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for Order of Business

Marshalled List of Amendments

1. Prayers

2. Private Members’ Business

Determination of Parades Commission Proposed: That this Assembly notes the lawful but illogical determination issued by the Parades Commission on 9 July 2013 in relation to the application by the three Ligoniel Orange Lodges for a parade in Belfast on 12 July 2013; further notes the consequences of the determination and its outworking in that attempts to build a shared future have been harmed by the actions of those who oppose the concept of sharing space and respecting cultural identity; and calls, not only for the rule of law to be upheld, but also for respect and tolerance to be shown for everyone’s cultural identity.

Mr P Robinson 
Mr N McCausland
Mr G Campbell
Mr S Wilson

3. Adjournment