Marshalled List of Amendments

16 July 2013

Private Members' Business – Motions

Item : Order Paper 152/11-15 – 16 July 2013

Motion: Determination of Parades Commission

That this Assembly notes the lawful but illogical determination issued by the Parades Commission on 9 July 2013 in relation to the application by the three Ligoniel Orange Lodges for a parade in Belfast on 12 July 2013; further notes the consequences of the determination and its outworking in that attempts to build a shared future have been harmed by the actions of those who oppose the concept of sharing space and respecting cultural identity; and calls, not only for the rule of law to be upheld, but also for respect and tolerance to be shown for everyone’s cultural identity.

[Mr P Robinson]
[Mr N McCausland]
[Mr G Campbell]
[Mr S Wilson]

The Speaker has selected the following Amendment for debate:


Proposed: Leave out all after 'notes' and insert:

‘ the determination issued by the Parades Commission on 9 July 2013 in relation to the application by the three Ligoniel Orange Lodges for a Parade in Belfast on 12 July 2013; supports the Parades Commission’s efforts to bring about a resolution to contentious parades; condemns unreservedly the orchestrated attacks on the PSNI and the community in the past few days which arose as a direct consequence of the refusal by the Orange Order to respect the Parades Commission's determination; supports the PSNI in its task of bringing forward those responsible for prosecution; recognises that the building of a shared future requires mutual respect for the differing cultural identities; calls for respect and tolerance to be shown for everyone's cultural identity; and further calls for immediate dialogue between parade organisers and the local community in any area where there is a contentious parade with a view to securing a resolution to the issue.’

[Mr G Kelly]
[Ms Caral Ní Chuilín]
[Mr D McKay