Written Ministerial Statement

The content of this written ministerial statement is as received at the time from the Minister. It has not been subject to the official reporting (Hansard) process.

Department of Finance - Budget 2020-21: UK Funding Available

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Published at 12:30 pm on Monday 16 March 2020

Mr Murphy (The Minister of Finance): The purpose of this Statement is to inform the Assembly of the UK funding made available for Budget 2020-21 as notified by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland on 14 March 2020.

In line with my legal obligation under Section 64 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 I am required to lay before the Assembly a Statement detailing the amount UK funding  provided for 2020-21 at least 14 days before a laying a draft Budget for the financial year.

Our routine DEL allocations, taking account of the additional funding from recent Chancellor’s Budget, are set out in the table below



Resource DEL


Ring Fenced  Resource DEL


Capital DEL


Financial Transactions Capital


In addition, the Secretary of State has confirmed the following funding will be available under the Fresh Start Agreement



Shared and integrated education


Fraud and error


Tackling paramilitary activity


Shared future


The availability of funding for New Decade, New Approach was confirmed by the Secretary of State as an additional £523 million for 2020-21. This comprises £483 million of resource funding and £40 million of capital.

We have not yet received any certainty on the provision of the remaining funding due under the Confidence and Supply Agreement.

The Secretary of State has also confirmed that £293 million will be made available for Farm Support Direct Payments for 2020. £278.6 million of this can be incorporated into the Executive’s 2020-21 Budget immediately. 

Exceptionally, the Secretary of State has advised that we can proceed on the basis that we will receive £120 million of resource funding in relation to the Covid-19 response.

This brings the total UK funding available to



Resource DEL


Ring Fenced  Resource DEL


Capital DEL


Financial Transactions Capital


It is my intention is the lay a draft Budget for 2020-21 in the Assembly on the 30th of March. At this stage, as required by legislation, I will demonstrate that the amount of UK funding required by the draft Budget does not exceed the amount notified by the Secretary of State as set out in this statement.