May 2008
Date | Title | Action |
29/05/2008 |
Response to the Bamford Review: Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety |
Read Response to the Bamford Review: Minister of Health, Social Services and Public Safety |
29/05/2008 |
Response to the Bamford Review: Mental Health and Learning Disability Board |
Read Response to the Bamford Review: Mental Health and Learning Disability Board |
22/05/2008 |
Health Promotion Agency |
22/05/2008 |
Families Matter |
15/05/2008 |
The Use of PFI/PPP on the Omagh and Enniskillen Hospital Projects |
Read The Use of PFI/PPP on the Omagh and Enniskillen Hospital Projects |
01/05/2008 |
Madeleine O’Neill and Lauren O’Neill |
28/05/2008 |
Draft Budget (No 2) Bill |
28/05/2008 |
Draft Civil Registration Bill |
21/05/2008 |
Public-Sector Jobs Location |
21/05/2008 |
Draft Presumption of Death Bill |