Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill

Bill Number: Bill 30/17-22

Bill Type: Executive

Bill Sponsor: Minister of Health

The Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Bill is:

A Bill to amend the Human Tissue Act 2004 concerning consent to activities done for the purpose of transplantation and make consequential amendments about the provision of information about such consent.

Stages of a Bill

Bill StageDate Completed / StatusAll Associated documents and links
Stage 1First Stage 5 July 2021

Bill as Introduced (HTM) (PDF)
Explanatory and Financial Memorandum (HTM) (PDF)

Official Report - 5 July 2021

Stage 2Second Stage 20 September 2021 Official Report - 20 September 2021
Committee StageCommittee Stage 16 December 2021 Committee Report
Consideration StageConsideration Stage 24 January 2022  Official Report - 24 January 2022
Further Consideration StageFurther Consideration Stage 1 February 2022  Official Report - 1 February 2022 
Final StageFinal Stage 8 February 2022  Official Report - 8 February 2022
Royal AssentRoyal Assent 30 March 2022 Organ and Tissue Donation (Deemed Consent) Act (Northern Ireland) 2022