Inquiry into Mental Health Services in Northern Ireland

Here you will find further information in relation to the Committee's Inquiry into Mental Health Services in Northern Ireland:

Committee Inquiry Photos

Below is a selection of photos from the inquiry launch event held on Thursday 20th June 2024 in Parliament Buildings. Many organisations and groups attended the event and heard from our Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson and the Mental Health Champion, on the Public Accounts Committee's report findings and recommendations:


From left to right: Mr David Honeyford MLA, Mr John Stewart MLA, Ms Cheryl Brownlee MLA, Professor Siobhan O'Neill (Mental Health Champion), Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA (Chairperson), Ms Diane Forsythe MLA



Mr Daniel McCrossan (Chairperson) and Professor Siobhan O'Neill (Mental Health Champion)


From left to right: Ms Cheryl Brownlee (Deputy Chairperson), Mr Daniel McCrossan (Chairperson), Professor Siobhan O'Neill (Mental Health Champion)


From left to right: Mr john Stewart MLA, Ms Diane Forsythe MLA, Mr Daniel McCrossan MLA (Chairperson), Ms Cheryl Brownlee MLA, Mr David Honeyford MLA, Mr Colm Gildernew MLA