Standards and Privileges

2017 - 2022 Mandate

The role and functions of the Committee for Standards and Privileges include the following main areas:

  • Developing and maintaining the standards regime in respect of Assembly Members’ conduct (including: responsibility for the Code of Conduct and Guide to the Rules; putting in place the arrangements for having allegations of misconduct investigated; and for overseeing the maintenance and publication of the Register of Members’ Interests).
  • Considering reports on investigations into specific complaints of alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct (including determining whether a breach of the Code of Conduct has occurred and, where appropriate, recommending to the Assembly that a sanction be imposed).
  • Considering specific matters relating to privilege referred to it by the Assembly.
  • Approving the formation of All-Party Groups and overseeing the maintenance and publication of a ‘Register of All-Party Groups’. Advice on making a complaint can be found at

Here you will find further information about the work of the Standards and Privileges Committee during the 2017 - 2022 Mandate.