Research Papers 2020
Synopsis: Below you will find details of Research Publications which have been prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) for the Health Committee in 2020.
Brexit and Health in Northern Ireland
- Date: 26/11/2020
This briefing paper provides an overview of Brexit and the likely impact that it will have on the health service in Northern Ireland. It also covers other impacted areas within the remit of the Health Committee.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Health and Social Care Workforce
- Date: 25/06/2020
This paper has been produced to support the COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee and the Health Committee with their scrutiny of the pandemic response. The paper will focus on the psychological wellbeing of health and social care staff who have been working on the frontline throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It will look to evidence from previous pandemics to identify potential risk factors for adverse mental health outcomes and examine emerging local and international evidence from the current crisis. The paper will also explore how decision makers can support the mental health of their workforce as well as interventions being introduced across the UK to assist staff in managing their wellbeing.
The Use of Digital Measures to Combat COVID-19
- Date: 26/05/2020
This paper has been produced to support the COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee and the Health Committee with their scrutiny of the pandemic response. The purpose of this paper is to provide information for the health committee on the use of digital measures aimed at combating the novel coronavirus COVID-19, specifically contact tracing apps and the use of ‘big data’. The paper will examine the current and potential uses of both types of measures at various stages of the pandemic as well as the technical and ethical challenges that they present. The focus of this paper will be on the use of these measures in a European and UK context with reference to international experiences where appropriate.
‘Exit’ From COVID-19 ‘Lockdown’: Health-Related Issues
- Date: 20/05/2020
This paper has been produced to support the COVID-19 Ad Hoc Committee and the Health Committee with their scrutiny of the pandemic response. It discusses a number of factors relating to the spread of infectious disease to be borne in mind when considering measures to control the virus going forward. This includes the impact of infectious dose, viral load and asymptomatic cases and the relationship between the ‘lockdown’ and the ‘R’ number of the virus. It then goes on to review a range of health-related measures and actions related to easing the ‘lockdown’.
COVID-19: Testing for Sars-CoV-2 in the UK; and the Use of Testing and Contact Tracing in Selected Countries
- Date: 04/05/2020
This briefing paper has been prepared to assist the Health Committee and COVID-19 Committee with their scrutiny of the COVID-19 testing strategies in the UK to date by reviewing testing in the UK and in a selection of other countries. The paper highlights the importance of both timely testing and contact tracing (manual tracing and ICT developments) to drive suppression of transmission of the virus to a low-level, to enable or maintain parts of economic and social life.
Mapping of GP Surgeries
- Date: 21/02/2020
This briefing note contains mapping of General Practices across Northern Ireland, for the years 2015 and 2020. The practices have been mapped out according to data obtained from the Business Services Organisation (BSO) website and from correspondence from the BSO.
Waiting Lists and Waiting Times for Elective Care in Northern Ireland: Taking Stock
- Date: 06/02/2020
This paper takes its starting point from a series of previous Northern Ireland Assembly Research and Information Service briefings and provides an update on elective care waiting lists, waiting times and related policy and actions in Northern Ireland. For information and comparison, it also updates the same in neighbouring jurisdictions.