Legislative Consent Memorandum - Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill

Department of Finance Papers relating to the Report

21 October 2020Department of Finance paper on Changes to the Transitional Arrangements to the 2015 Schemes (PDF, 5 pages, 325KB)

3 March 2021 – Department of Finance paper on Changes to the Transitional Arrangements to the 2015 Schemes Consultation outcome (PDF, 21 pages, 479KB)

6 September 2021 – Department of Finance paper on Legislative Consent Motion (LCM) for the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill (PDF, 10 pages, 460KB)

6 September 2021 - Legislative Consent Motion for the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Bill (PDF, 12 pages, 439KB)

28 September 2021Department of Finance submission to Minister with letter of reply to Committee (PDF, 6 pages, 486KB)