Call for Young People's Views
My Life and Learning in Lockdown
The Committee for Education has received correspondence and a number of written reports and surveys in respect of the adverse impact of lockdown and school restart on the emotional health and wellbeing of children and young people. The Interim Mental Health Champion has also briefed the Committee about this important issue.
In order to better understand this issue, the Committee is keen to hear directly from a wide range of children and young people. It is therefore inviting them, through a range of activities, to share their views, opinions and personal reflections, so that the Committee can:
- understand the impact of lockdown and restart on the provision of emotional wellbeing and mental health support for children and young people;
- explore with young people how things could be improved, both in the immediate term and in a post-Covid-19 landscape; and
- recognise and highlight the role young people have played in keeping everyone safe during the pandemic.
A list of the activities young people can get involved in can be found below:
ARTS PROJECT (Open to all ages)
Give your views to the Committee, through a piece of artwork, photograph, poem or short story
'My Life and Learning in Lockdown' arts project is an opportunity for young people of all ages to showcase, through the arts, how they feel lockdown, school closures and restarts has impacted on their lives. The arts project will provide a way for children and young people to share some personal reflections through their art, photography, poetry or a short story.
Zoom, 6pm-8pm, Thursday 3rd June 2021
If you are 16 or over and would like to share your views on the impact lockdown, school closures and restarts have had on your emotional wellbeing and mental health you can sign up to take part in an informal discussion event. The event will take place via Zoom on Thursday 3rd June 2021 at 6pm until 8pm.
The Assembly’s Education Service will invite a number of schools to participate in a focus group activity on the impact of lockdown and restart on the emotional well-being and mental health of children and young people. The schools will already have had experience of the Assembly’s education programme. The Education Service will endeavour to ensure representation from all types of schools – primary and secondary, controlled and maintained, voluntary grammar, integrated, special and Irish Medium; and from as many constituencies as possible, within the timeframe (10 May to 4 June 2021).
What will the focus group activity involve?
An Education Officer will facilitate the focus group sessions, which will last between 30-40 minutes.
If you have any queries on the Arts Project or any of the events listed above, please email