Northern Ireland Assembly Commission Budget Setting Process
Preparation of Draft Budget:
The Assembly Commission (the "Commission") prepares a draft budget for the period of the Executive’s Budget as notified by the Department of Finance (DoF). This budget is established in advance of the timetable established by DoF for Executive Departments;
Key Milestones
- As part of the development of the Commission's draft budget, the Commission actively obtains data and projections from the DoF relating to the wider outlook for the Northern Ireland Block for the entirety of the budget period;
- The Commission, taking account of the DoF projections, proposes its draft budget and presents it to the Audit Committee. At the same time, the Commission also provides the draft budget figures to the DoF;
Interaction with Audit Committee:
Via an agreed mechanism (e.g. Standing Orders) and in keeping with the Executive budgetary timetable, the Audit Committee lays a report on the Commission's draft budget;
Key Milestones
- In advance of laying that report, the Commission attends an Audit Committee meeting(s) to give evidence on its draft budget;
- In advance of laying that report, the Audit Committee receives written evidence from DoF (cleared in advance by the Finance Minister) on the wider outlook for the Northern Ireland Block and the DoF view of the Commission’s draft budget. In considering the Commission’s draft budget, the Committee should have due regard to the evidence provided by the DoF.
- Evidence to the Committee from the DoF shall be included in the Committee’s report to the Assembly;
- The Committee prepares and lays its report;
Finalisation of Budget:
The Commission prepares its final budget, taking on board the recommendations of the Audit Committee and submits a motion to the Business Committee;
Key Milestones
- The Assembly as a whole debates the final budget in Plenary before voting on the motion (without amendment) that it be "agreed and incorporated into the Executive's Budget and the subsequent Main Estimates."
- The vote of the Assembly in respect of the Commission's budget is reflected, without amendment, in the budget prepared by the Executive;
In-Year Amendments to Budget:
On an in-year basis, financial controls are established that are aligned to the arrangements for setting the initial budget.
Key Milestones
- The Commission prepares and submits its contribution to Monitoring Rounds and the Spring Supplementary Estimate. The submission of the Commission's contribution to Monitoring Rounds and the Spring Supplementary Estimate will be subject to agreed thresholds between the Commission and the Committee. If these thresholds are not exceeded, the Commission will not seek the Audit Committee's view on its in-year position.
This methodology will be reviewed within one year of its first use and at the conclusion of every Executive budget setting period.