Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights

Written Briefings Received by the Committee

Due to COVID-19, it was not possible for the Ad Hoc Committee to conduct its usual meetings, it progressed work by seeking written briefings from witnesses. Submissions received by the Committee as a result can be found below:


Date Published Submission Author
7 May 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,1 page, 13KB) Churches
29 April 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF, 9 pages,574KB) Equality Commission for Northern Ireland
29 April 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,10 pages, 152KB) Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
29 April 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,35 pages,557KB) Children's Law Centre
15 April 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,7pages, 268KB) Conradh na Gaeilge
15 April 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,11pages,423KB) Louise Mallinder
25 March 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights(PDF,14pages,434KB) Niall Murphy
18 March 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 14 pages,466KB). Irish Congress of Trade Unions
11 March 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 14 pages, 324KB). Equality Commission for NI
11 March 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 33 pages, 1480KB) Professor Monica McWilliams
4 March 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 12 pages, 533KB) Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
23 February 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (document to follow subject to appropriate redactions) Dr Robin Wilson
11 February 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 6 pages, 147KB). NIWEP
3 February 2021 Submission to Northern Ireland Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights (PDF, 10 pages, 456KB) Lady Trimble
1 February 2021 Submission to the Northern Ireland Assembly's Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights Jeffrey Dudgeon MBE
28 January 2021 Model Bill of Rights Professor Colin Harvey
26 January 2021 Notes on Human Rights AND culture and a Culture OF Human Rights Dominic Bryan, Michael Hamilton and Neil Jarman
20 January 2021 Ad Hoc Committee on Bill of Rights Working Paper Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (PDF, 9 pages, 37.3KB) Dermot Nesbitt
18 December 2020 Notes for the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights Sir Stephen Irwin, former Lord Justice of Appeal of England and Wales
18 December 2020 Bill of Rights Sir John Gillen, former Lord Justice of Appeal of Northern Ireland
14 December 2020 Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights: Briefing note  The Bar of Northern Ireland
8 December 2020 Getting to Yes on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland Brice Dickson, Emeritus Professor of the School of Law, Queen’s University Belfast
November 2020 Brexit and its Wider Implications for Human Rights in Northern Ireland Professor Colm O’Cinneide, UCL
November 2020 Written Evidence from Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) to the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights for Northern Ireland Brian Gormally and Dr Anne Smith
6 November 2020 Economic and Social Rights: Models of Enforceability The Human Rights Centre, Queen's University, Belfast
23 October 2020 Written Evidence to the NI Assembly Ad Hoc Committee on the Bill of Rights Daniel Holder, Deputy Director of the Committee on the Administration of Justice and Patricia McKeown, Regional Secretary of UNISON , Co-Conveners of the Equality Coalition
15 October 2020 Written submission to the Ad Hoc Committee on Bill of Rights Mark Durkan, former deputy First Minister and a negotiator for the SDLP during the multi-party talks leading to the Belfast Agreement
15 October 2020 Written submission to the Ad Hoc Committee on Bill of Rights Dermot Nesbitt, former Minister of the Environment and a negotiator for the UUP during the multi-party talks leading to the Belfast Agreement
9 October 2020 What the Bill of Rights was intended to achieve for Northern Ireland Professor Tom Hadden, Honorary Professor at the University of Kent, Professor Emeritus at Queen's University Belfast School of Law and Visiting Scholar at Ulster University's Transitional Justice Institute
5 October 2020 A Northern Ireland Bill of Rights Baroness Helena Kennedy QC
25 September 2020 Human Rights and Peacebuilding Dr. Amanda Cahill-Ripley, Senior Lecturer in Law at the School of Law and Social Justice at the University of Liverpool and Visiting Professor in International Human Rights Law at the University of Bergen, Norway
21 September 2020 Comparative International and Devolved Best Practice Dr Katie Boyle, Associate Professor of International Human Rights Law, University of Stirling
23 June 2020 The South African Bill of Rights: a briefing Professor Kate O’Regan, inaugural Director of the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights and a former judge of the South African Constitutional Court
23 June 2020 Briefing to the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights The Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY)
9 June 2020 The implementation of international treaty standards into devolved law – the example of Scotland Tobias Lock, Professor of Law at Maynooth University
4 June 2020 Further note on the difference between the Human Rights Act and the proposals of the NIHRC for an NI Bill of Rights Dominic Grieve QC
4 June 2020 Derogation from Human Rights Briefing Paper

Dominic Grieve QC

18 May 2020 Human Rights in Wales

Simon Hoffman, Professor of Law at the Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law, Swansea University

Written submissions to the call for evidence were also received from the following organisations and individuals