Research Papers 2016
Synopsis: Below you will find details of Research Publications which have been prepared by the Research and Information Service (RaISe) for the Committee for Finance in 2016.
October Monitoring Round 2016-17
- Date: 26/10/2016
This Briefing Note presents an initial analysis of key points arising from the Minister of Finance’s October Monitoring Round statement 2016-17, including potential issues for consideration by Assembly Members and statutory committees.
Monitoring Rounds: Assembly Scrutiny
- Date: 26/10/2016
This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate Assembly scrutiny of the Executive’s In-year Monitoring process. It outlines the process, in particular highlighting recent amendments to the Department of Finance’s guidance. It draws attention to key issues meriting the consideration of statutory committees specifically and the wider Assembly more generally.
Forthcoming Executive Draft Budget 2017-18: Assembly Consideration
- Date: 26/10/2016
This Briefing Paper aims to facilitate the Assembly in fulfilling its roles and responsibilities in relation to the forthcoming Executive Draft Budget 2017-18. Despite the current limited availability of departmental information and data, the Paper provides context and potential issues for Assembly consideration via its Members and statutory committees.
The Use of Business Cases in the Public Sector
- Date: 23/09/2016
This Research Paper is prepared at the request of the Committee for Finance, to inform its consideration of the use of Business Cases within the public sector in Northern Ireland. It outlines key aspects of the current guidance governing the preparation of such Business Cases. For a comparative perspective, it also highlights aspects of Business Case use by Government within the remainder of the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.
‘What Works Centres’: An Overview of a Growing Network in Supporting Government and Potential Considerations for Northern Ireland
- Date: 23/09/2016
This Briefing Paper is prepared at the request of the Committee for Finance (the Committee), to facilitate its forward work planning for the first session of this new mandate. In particular, it aims to inform the Committee’s understanding of the Cabinet Office’s ‘What Works’ initiative.
Non-Domestic Rates in the United Kingdom
- Date: 23/09/2016
This briefing paper is prepared at the request of the Committee for Finance. It summarises key aspects of non-domestic rating policy and legislation throughout the United Kingdom, to facilitate the Committee’s deliberations in this area.
Public procurement after the European Union referendum
- Date: 22/09/2016
This Briefing Paper summarises key elements of the European-derived public procurement rules as they apply in Northern Ireland. It also briefly presents what is currently known about future procurement regulation following the European Union (EU) referendum.