Review of the Public Petition Procedures - Written Submissions
The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee on Procedures is undertaking a Review of the Public Petitions Procedures in the Northern Ireland Assembly.
The aim of the review is to examine the effectiveness of current procedures and to consider if a revised system of public petitions should be introduced to the Assembly.
The Committee issued a call for evidence looking for your views. Below is a list of written submissions received in response:
- House of Commons
- National Assembly for Wales
- Scottish Parliament
- Fermanagh Trust
- Mairaid McMahon - Make It Happen campaign
- Professor Derek Birrell - University of Ulster
- Adam Stuart
- Aine McCurry
- Aislinn Clarke
- Chris Ledger
- Christopher Hunter
- David Corkill
- Dr Alan Lennon
- Garth Kennedy
- Jamie Higgins
- Karl Stewart
- Matthew Johnston
- Niall Kelly
- Paul Braithwaite
- Carol McCullough
- Sinn Fein
- Junior Ministers Jonathan Bell and Jennifer McCann