Session 2011-2012

Radical Changes Needed to Improve Services for Victims and Witnesses of Crime

Much more needs to be done to redress the balance in the criminal justice system and treat victims and witnesses of crime in an appropriate manner. That is the message from the Committee for Justice in its report published today into the Criminal Justice Services available to victims and witnesses of crime.

Date: 03 July 2012

Committee Calls on Justice Minister to Make Statement on Trial Outcome

At its meeting today, the Committee for Justice called on the Justice Minister, David Ford MLA to make an urgent oral statement to the Assembly on the outcome and cost of the Supergrass trial that finished yesterday.

Date: 23 February 2012

Justice Committee Welcomes First Meeting with Chief Constable

The Committee for Justice welcomes the first appearance of the Chief Constable, Matt Baggott, at the Committee. The meeting will take place on Thursday 16 February. 

Date: 15 February 2012

Committee for Justice visits Forensic Science Laboratories

The Committee for Justice visited Forensic Science Northern Ireland (FSNI). As well as a tour of the alcohol, drug and toxicology labs and the DNA unit, the Committee was shown a mock crime scene to demonstrate how evidence is gathered.

Date: 25 November 2011

Committee for Justice Launches Inquiry into the Experiences of Victims and Witnesses of Crime

The Committee for Justice has launched an Inquiry into Criminal Justice Services available to Victims and Witnesses of Crime in Northern Ireland [1] . The aim of the inquiry is to learn from the experiences of people who have either been a victim of, or witness to crime – from dealings with the police, to the quality of information and support provided, and the handling of cases by the Courts Service.

Date: 10 October 2011

Protection of Children Paramount says Committee

The Minister for Justice, David Ford MLA, was before the Committee for Justice today to answer some difficult questions on sexual offences cases

Date: 23 June 2011