Minutes of Proceedings
Session: 2012/2013
Date: 02 May 2013
Venue: Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings
The meeting began in public session at 10:11am.
1. Apologies
Apologies were noted as above.
2. Matters arising
The Committee noted a draft press release in relation to the forthcoming Road Traffic (Drink Driving) Amendment Bill.
Agreed: To withhold issuing any press release until the Department clarifies its position on what will be included in the Bill.
3. Minutes
The minutes of the meeting on 25th April 2013 were agreed.
4. Initial clause by clause consideration of the Planning Bill
The Committee continued its initial clause by clause consideration of the Planning Bill with discussion on issues raised by stakeholders in relation to Clauses 7 – 28, general comments relating to the Bill and further issues relating to Clauses 2 and 6.
Mr Weir joined the meeting at 10:14am
Mr Elliott joined the meeting at 10:16am
Mr Milne joined the meeting at 10:16am
Agreed: That, in relation to clause 10, the Committee seeks a written response from the Department on whether provision could be made for a person or body other that DOE (e.g. OFMdFM) to have the power to appoint a person other than the Planning Appeals Commission (PAC) to hold a public inquiry.
The Committee also requested a response to queries on when and how the power to appoint a person would be exercised.
Mr Weir left the meeting at 10:35am
Mr Boylan left the meeting at 10:39am
Mr Boylan re-joined the meeting at 10:41am
Mr Weir re-joined the meeting at 10:44am
Mr Hamilton left the meeting at 10:53am
Mr Elliot left the meeting at 11:00am
Agreed: That, in relation to Clause 16, the Committee seeks a written response from the Departmental on whether there could be a minimum fine, and whether provision could be made to ensure that any fine was proportionate to the value of the development.
Mr Elliott re-joined the meeting at 11:11am
Mrs Kelly left the meeting at 11:27am
Mr Hamilton left the meeting at 11:35am
Mr Weir left the meeting at 11:36am
Mr Weir re-joined the meeting at 11:40am
Mrs Kelly re-joined the meeting at 11:41am
Mr Hamilton re-joined the meeting at 11:41am
The Committee also discussed some further issues in relation to Clause 2 of the Bill in particular a suggested amendment provided by Community Places.
Agreed: Departmental officials agreed to consider and provide a response to the Committee in relation the suggested amendment.
Agreed: That the summary tables containing the Department's responses to the clauses are published on the Assembly website and are also included in the final Committee report.
5. Date, time and place of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 9 May 2013 at 10:00am in the Senate Chamber, Parliament Buildings.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12:13pm.