Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2008/2009

Date: 12 March 2009



Mr Patsy McGlone (Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs
Mr Cathal Boylan (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Ian McCrea
Mr Peter Weir

In Attendance: 
Dr Alex McGarel (Assembly Clerk) 
Mr William Long (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Sean McCann (Clerical Supervisor)

Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr David Ford
Mr Tommy Gallagher
Mr David McClarty
Mr Daithi McKay
Mr Alastair Ross

The meeting began in public session at 11.45.a.m..

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes

Agreed – the draft minutes of the meeting on 5 March were agreed.

3. Matters Arising

Committee on Procedures Inquiry into Legislative Consent Motions:

The Chairperson informed members that the Clerk, Committee on Procedures had passed a letter on the Inquiry into Legislative Consent Motions to the Committee for forwarding to the Department of the Environment.

Agreed: That the letter is forwarded to the Department of the Environment.

RSPB ‘Birds of Prey Pledge’:

The Chairperson informed members that they had been provided with a copy of the RSPB’s ‘Birds of Prey Pledge’. RSPB have asked members to show their support by signing the pledge and has also requested the opportunity to take a photograph on the steps of Stormont for members to publicly demonstrate their support for the campaign.

Agreed: That a photograph is taken before a future Committee meeting.

4. Briefing by Aquaculture Initiative on the Shellfish Waters Consultation

Representatives from Aquaculture Initiative briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on the Shellfish Waters Consultation.

Agreed: That the Committee request further information from the DOE in relation to designated areas, the requirement for legislation, economic implications and a review period.

Agreed: That correspondence on this issue is forwarded to other statutory committees for comment.

5. Briefing by Armagh Anglers on local water quality.

Representatives from Armagh Anglers briefed the Committee and answered members’ questions on local water quality.

Agreed: That further information is sought from the Department in relation to the issues raised by Armagh Anglers.

Agreed: That the paper from Keady and District Angling Club is forwarded to the Department for comment.

Agreed: That Armagh Anglers and Keady and District Angling Club are invited to the River Basin Management Stakeholder event in Parliament Buildings on 1 April.

6. Climate Change Inquiry

The Chairperson informed members that the closing date for submitting an application for the Specialist Adviser post is 16 March 2009 and the sub-group to consider applications will meet on 18 March 2009.

7. Departmental Consultations

The Committee considered the following consultations: -

Marine Minerals Dredging Regulations – Supplementary consultation on revised application fees:

Agreed: That the Committee is content for the Department to proceed with the proposals.

Department for Regional Development consultation on Environmental and Social Guidance for Water and Sewerage Services (2010 – 2013):

Agreed: That the DRD Committee’s views are sought on this consultation.

8. Forward Work Programme

Members noted the revised Committee Forward Work Programme.

The Chairperson informed members that he and the Deputy Chairperson will meet the DOE Permanent Secretary on Monday 16 March to discuss forthcoming DOE legislation.

9. Correspondence

1. E-mail from Michael Martin, Bailiff Antrim & District Angling Club, regarding Planning permission at the Dunadry hotel. 
Agreed: That a copy of the e-mail is forwarded to the DOE for comment.

2. Letter from Marian McCouaig, Principal Kylemore Nursery School, requesting support in relation to the retention of the Education Officers at various EHS parks throughout Northern Ireland. 
Agreed: That a copy of the e-mail is forwarded to the DOE for comment.

3. E-mail from Seamus Bailey, Bailey Architecture, regarding a query on draft PPS21. 
Agreed: That a copy of the e-mail is forwarded to the DOE for comment.

4. Members noted a letter from NIEA regarding a declaration of ASSI at Knocknacloy.

5. Members noted a letter from NIEA regarding a declaration of ASSI at Mullaghbane.

6. Departmental response to the Committee’s comments about the Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Amendment) Regulations (NI) 2009. 
Agreed: That the Department are asked to forward an guidance notes to the Committee in future.

7. Departmental response to the Committee’s request to be kept informed of progress in relation to the development’s proposals to introduce statutory restrictions on the use of lead shot over wetlands in Northern Ireland. 
Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department stating that the Committee are content with them proceeding on this issue.

8. Members noted an e-mail from Kevin Taylor inviting the Committee to join a discussion forum regarding innovation in renewable energy.

9. E-mail from Seamus McMahon, Linwoods, requesting the opportunity to attend and brief the Committee on the implications and impact on the implementation of driver’s hours legislation EU 561/06. 
Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for more detail on this issue and for their current position on the issue.

10. Members noted a letter from Liam Parker, Chairman of the Gerry Rogan Initiative Trust, inviting Chairperson or a nominated representative of the Committee to a Corporate Social Responsibility conference on 26 th March 2009 at the Ramada Hotel, Belfast: 9.30am-5pm.

11. Members noted an e-mail from Claire Paterson, the Participation Network, Children in Northern Ireland inviting the Committee to two workshops on “Including children and young people in public decision making”.

12. Members noted an e-mail from the Consumer Council inviting the Committee to “The Cost of Insurance in Northern Ireland A Research Report from the Consumer Council” on Monday 30 th March, 2009 from 12noon until 1pm, at Confex Centre, The Stormont Hotel, Belfast.

13. E-mail from Brendan Mulgrew on behalf of Airtricity requesting the opportunity to brief the Committee on the Supplementary Planning Guidance for PPS 18.
Agreed: That Airtricity are invited to brief the Committee at a future meeting.

14. Members noted a letter from the Department informing the Committee that they intend to organise a series of Information Days to raise awareness of the river basin planning process as part of the current consultation on the draft RBMPs. NIEA has invited the Committee to attend one or more of the information days.

15. Members noted the following DOE Press Releases / Publications: 
“Bus and lorry drivers to face new theory test” 
“ Pomeroy Land developer fined £12,000 for waste offences” 
“Antrim Development Company fined £600 for waste offence” 
“Minister consults on strategic direction for water and sewerage services” 
“Construction industry urged to help shape pollution prevention guidelines” 
“Co Antrim woman fined £250 for waste offence” 
“Co Antrim man fined £250 for an unauthorised mobile home” 
“Co Antrim woman fined for unauthorised alteration of listed building”

10. Any other business

The Chairperson raised the issue of the recent demolition of a listed property in Newcastle.

Agreed: That a letter is sent to the Department asking for an update on the current position on this issue and what enforcement action is being taken by Planning Service.

Mr Boylan raised the issue of Committee member attendance at external visits. Mr Weir suggested that the Committee manage expectations of groups in terms of Committee member attendance.

11. Date, time and place of next meeting

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 19 March 2009 at 10.30am in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 1.00 p.m.

Patsy McGlone
Chairperson, Committee for the Environment
19 March 2009