Minutes of Proceedings

Session: 2006/2007

Date: 24 May 2007




Present: Mr Patsy McGlone (Chairperson)
Mr Cathal Boylan (Deputy Chairperson)
Mr Billy Armstrong
Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr David Ford
Mr Tommy Gallagher
Mr Samuel Gardiner
Mr Ian McCrea
Mr Daithí McKay
Mr Peter Weir

In Attendance: Mrs Debbie Pritchard (Principal Clerk)
Mrs Patricia Casey (Assembly Clerk) 
Mr William Long (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Sean McCann (Clerical Supervisor)
Miss Pauline Devlin (Clerical Officer)
Mr Kendrew Colhoun (Assembly Research and Library Services)

Apologies: Mr Alex Maskey

The meeting opened at 10.33am in public session.

1. Apologies

Apologies are detailed above.

2. Minutes

Agreed – the draft minutes were agreed subject to minor amendment.
Agreed – Members agreed the contents of the “Declaration of Interest” table subject to minor amendment.

3. Matters arising

Members noted that a letter was sent on behalf of the Committee to the Examiner of Statutory Rules, Mr Gordon Nabney, advising him of the motion agreed at the first meeting to delegate the technical scrutiny of secondary legislation.
Members also noted that a letter was sent to the Department seeking clarification on a number of points that arose in relation to the SL1 on the Irish Hare.
Members were advised that information on the issues raised by Mr Ford relating to Bills being considered by the previous Committee, would be presented to the Committee as soon as possible.

4. Department of the Environment briefing on planning

David Ferguson, Chief Executive of the Planning Service, briefed the Committee on Planning.
Agreed – Mr Ferguson was to provide the Committee with a further update on the planning delay issue at next week’s meeting.
The Permanent Secretary, Stephen Poever and Mr Ferguson answered questions from the members.
Agreed – A copy of the response by the Department for Regional Development (on PPS 14 “Sustainable Development in the Countryside”) to Patsy McGlone MLA, to be forwarded to the Department of the Environment for their consideration.

5. Department of the Environment briefing on Taxis Bill

The Chairperson introduced Stanley Duncan and Adele Watters from Road Safety Division.
Adele Watters, Road Safety Division, briefed the Committee on the Taxis Bill and answered questions from the Members.

6. Department of the Environment briefing on June Monitoring

Mr Stephen Poever, Permanent Secretary, briefed the Committee on June Monitoring (bids and easements).

7. Department of the Environment briefing on road safety

Mr Brendan Magee, Chief Executive of DVA, briefed the Committee on the Driver and Vehicle Agency.
Mr Stanley Duncan, Director Road Safety Division, briefed the Committee on Road Safety.
Mr Magee and Mr Duncan answered questions by the Members.
12.30pm. Mr McCrea left the meeting.

8. Correspondence

The Committee noted the following items of correspondence:
A. Letter from Campbell Malseed re planning application Z/2006/2349/F
Agreed – David Ferguson to update Committee at next week’s meeting.
B. Copy of letter from Edward Cooke to Anne Garvey, Planning Office
Agreed – Copy letter to Department and obtain a copy of the response by the Minister.
C. Copy of E-mail from Gerry Donnelly to Minister of the Environment
Agreed – Committee to confirm that Minister has received e-mail.
D. Memo from Cathy White and copy of letter from Delores Kelly MLA
Agreed – To send a copy to Department for comment.
E. Letter from Environment Link NI, re invitation to conference
Agreed – Acknowledge invitation. Members to advise Clerk if they wish to attend. 
F. E-mail from David Thomas, Christian Aid re presentation of banner
Agreed – Acknowledge letter. Consult Events Office and Press Office for guidance and report back to Committee. 
G. Letter from Danny Kinaghan re concerns over planning
Agreed – To send a copy to Department for comment.

9. Any Other business.

Chairperson proposed that the Committee hold a Press Event to coincide with the launch of the Forward Work Programme.
Agreed – To organise a Press Event to coincide with the launch of the FWP (14 June 2007 or 21 June 2007 if possible).

10. Date, time and place of next meeting.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 31 May 2007 at 10.30am in Room 144 Parliament Buildings.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 12.58 pm.

Patsy McGlone
Chairperson, Committee for the Environment.
31 May 2007