Road Traffic (Amendment Bill): Committee Stage - Guide to Submitting Written Evidence
1. All organisations and individuals are welcome to submit evidence.
2. All communications should be addressed to the Committee Clerk.
3. Submissions should be structured so that each of the clauses in the Bill are addressed in turn.
4. Written evidence should give:
- a brief introduction to the persons or organisations submitting it (perhaps stating their area of expertise, etc.); and
- include any suggestions for amendments to the Bill that you or your organisation would like the Committee to consider.
5. Those submitting written evidence should indicate if they wish to be considered to give oral evidence to the Committee.
6. All submissions will be published on the Assembly website and included in the Committee’s report on the Bill, unless the Committee expressly decides otherwise.
7. Witnesses should be aware that, if they decide to publish the submission that they provide to the Committee, the publication would not be covered by Assembly privilege in relation to the law of defamation.