Planning Bill - Written Submissions

As part of the Committee Stage of the Planning Bill, the Committee for the Environment launched a call for evidence to all interested parties to submit evidence to assist with the scrutiny of the Bill.

Below is a list of the submissions received by the Committee:

Adrian Guy

Alan Tedford

Anja Rosler

Antrim and District Angling Association

Antrim Borough Council

ARENA Network, Business in the Community

Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon Councils


Ballymena Borough Council

Belfast City Airport Watch

Belfast City Council (1)

Belfast City Council (2)

Belfast Civic Trust

Belfast Healthy Cities

Belfast Holylands Regeneration Association

Belfast Metropolitan Residents' Group

Belfast Not For $hale

Bill Donnelly

Castlereagh Borough Council

Cavehill Conservation Campaign

CBI Northern Ireland

Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

Ciaran McClean

Community Places

Community Relations Council

Connal Hughes

Construction Employers Federation

Corralea Activity Centre

Council for Nature Conservation and Countryside

David Bolton

David Noble

David Scott

Development Media Workshop

Donaldson Planning

Dr Carroll O'Dolan

Dr Miriam De Burca

Dundonald Green Belt Association

Dungannon and South Tyrone Borough Council

Fermanagh District Council

Fermanagh Trust

Fiona Jones

Friends of the Earth

Geraint Ellis

Geraldine Cameron

Geralyn McCarron

Gerard Daye

Greenisland Heritage and Environment Group

Heather McDermott

Henry Deazley

Holywood Conservation Group

Institute of Directors

J Cosgrove

Jim Gregg

Jim Martin

Joe McGlade

John Anderson

John Martin

Kenneth Dougherty

Lagan Valley Group Residents' Association

Landscape Institute Northern Ireland

Laurence Speight

Lecale Conservation

Mairead Gilheaney

Majella McCarron

Marian Silcock

Mark Crean

Mark kearney

Martina Tedford

Mount Eagles Ratepayers Association

National Trust

Newry and Mourne District Council

Northern Ireland Biodiversity Group

Northern Ireland Environment Link

Northern Ireland Housing executive

Northern Ireland Local Government Association

Northern Ireland Renewables Industry Group

Northern Ireland Retail Consortium

Omagh district Council

Patricia Pederson

Paul Thompson

Planning Appeals Commission

Professor Greg Lloyd


Queen's Univesity Belfast - Planning for Spatial Recognition

Queen's Univesity Belfast - School of Planning, Architecture and Civil Engineering

Queen's University Belfast

Richard Ireson

Richard Rowe

Robert Graham

Rosana Trainor

Rosemarie Gilchrist

Royal Town Planning Institute Northern Ireland


Sarah Deazley

Seahill residents' Association

Siobhan Small

Sir Liam McCollum

Six Mile Water Trust

South Belfast Partnership Board

South Belfast Residents' Group

Supporting Communities NI

The Fermanagh Fracking Awareness Network

Thelma Deazley

Tim Fogg

Tom White

Ulster Angling Federation

Ulster Architectural Heritage Society

Ulster Wildlife Trust

Upper Mounteagles Avenue Residents' Association

Victor Russell

WH Jones (1)

WH Jones (2)

Woodland Trust

Zelda Kingston

Planning Bill Clause by Clause - Clauses 6 and 10 and 20 and 23 Departments Response
Planning Bill Clause by Clause - Remaining clauses
Planning Bill Clause by Clause Table Clauses 1 and 2 Master Copy