Committee Inquiry into Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in Northern Ireland.

The Committee for Employment and Learning is undertook an inquiry into Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) in Northern Ireland. 

The purpose of the Inquiry is to identify areas where the CEIAG strategy for Northern Ireland is failing to meet the needs of target groups such as school age pupils, young people, the unemployed and those living in rural and urban areas. 

Due to the restricted amount of time available to the Committee in which to carry out the Inquiry, the analysis of CEIAG was restricted to inconsistencies in CEIAG in primary and post primary schools and regional colleges, models of best practice in terms of CEIAG delivery and the effectiveness of linkages between delivery agents, the Careers Service and employers.

The Committee critically examined CEIAG in Northern Ireland including consideration of the current policies, programmes and opportunities available in Northern Ireland for those who want to access CEIAG.  In addition, the Inquiry attempted to identify barriers faced by those wishing to access the service and those who deliver the service.

The Terms of Reference for the inquiry were as follows:

The Committee will:

1. Investigate and identify any inconsistencies/issues in the delivery of CEIAG, including:

2. Provision of CEIAG delivery in primary and post primary schools, further education and higher education– may include consideration of the role of CEIAG in the Curriculum, delivery of CEIAG resources available to deliver CEIAG via the education system and methods which may improve delivery;

3. Similarities and differences in Northern Ireland Careers Service provision between Urban and Rural areas, such as availability of Careers Advisers and accessibility to CEIAG services; and

4. The impact of the budget cuts on the delivery of CEIAG across Northern Ireland.

5. Assess the process of professionalisation of those who deliver CEIAG, particularly in post primary schools & colleges including what training is available and how accessible it is; and

6. Report to the Assembly with full findings, conclusions and recommendations on how policies, procedures and practices can be improved in order to maximise the delivery of CEIAG to stakeholders to the benefit of Individuals, the Region and the Economy of Northern Ireland.

The Committee has now completed it's report which was then made available on Monday 25 November 2013.