Previous Committee Membership

Committee Membership for the 2007/2011 mandate

Membership (11)
Democratic Unionist Party Mr Jimmy Spratt (Chairperson)1

Mr Jonathan Bell 4,13,14

Mr Simon Hamilton 3

Mr Paul Givan 3,12,15
Sinn Fein Mr Raymond McCartney

Mr Alex Maskey (Deputy Chairperson) 2 9

Mr Pat Sheehan 18
Social Democratic and Labour Party Mr Conall McDevitt 10

Mr Declan O'Loan 6,11,16
Ulster Unionist Party Mr Tom Elliott 17

Mr Fred Cobain 8


1 Mr Jeffrey Donaldson resigned from the Committee with effect from Tuesday, 26 February 2008 and was replaced by Mr Jimmy Spratt on 04 March 2008
2 With effect from 20 May Mr Alex Maskey replaced Ms Carál Ní Chuilín
3 With effect from 15 September 2008 Mr Simon Hamilton replaced Mr Ian McCrea and Mr Ian Paisley Jnr replaced Mr George Robinson
4 With effect from 15 September 2009 Mr Nigel Dodds replaced Mr Nelson McCausland
5 With effect from 15 January 2010 Mrs Carmel Hanna resigned as an MLA
6 With effect from 26 January 2010 Mr Declan O'Loan replaced Mrs Carmel Hanna
7 With effect from the 31 March 2010 Mr Alan McFarland stood down from membership of the Committee
8 On 19 April 2010 Mr Fred Cobain was appointed as a Member of the Committee
9 On 13 April 2010 Mr Alex Maskey replaced Mr Raymond McCartney as Deputy Chairperson. Mr Raymond McCartney remained as a Member of the Committee
10 With effect from Monday 24 May 2010 Mr Conall McDevitt replaced Mr Alex Attwood
11 With effect from Monday 7 June 2010 Ms Margaret Ritchie replaced Mr Declan O'Loan
12 With effect from 21 June 2010 Mr Ian Paisley Jnr resigned as a member.
13 With effect from 10 September 2010 Rt. Hon Nigel Dodds resigned as a member.
14 With effect from 13th September 2010 Mr Jonathan Bell was appointed as a member of the Committee
15 With effect from 27th September 2010 Mr Paul Givan was appointed as a member of the Assembly and Executive Review Committee
16 With effect from 11th October 2010 Mr Declan O'Loan replaced Ms Margaret Ritchie
17 With effect from 8th November 2010 Mr Tom Elliott replaced Mr Danny Kennedy
18 With effect from 13 December 2010 Mr Pat Sheehan replaced Mr John O'Dowd