Research Papers 2014

Synopsis: Below you will find details of research publications relating to the work of the Committee for Agriculture and Rural Development, published during 2014.

Overview of Scottish farm investment schemes

- Date: 12/12/2014

This briefing note provides an overview of some of the investment/support schemes that have been available to farmers within Scotland over recent years.


Overview of Bovine TB free status in Scotland

- Date: 12/12/2014

Scotland achieved Officially Tuberculosis Free Status (OTF) in September 2009 and remains the only part of the UK to achieve and maintain this status. Bovine TB herd incidence data for the UK and Ireland highlights the fact that Scotland has significantly lower levels of Bovine TB than any other part of these islands.


Overview of the beef carcass classification systems used in Scotland and Northern Ireland

- Date: 12/12/2014

This briefing note provides an overview of the beef carcass classification systems utilised within Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Overview of coupled beef support – Scotland visit

- Date: 12/12/2014

The 2003 CAP reforms were marked by the decoupling of income support from production. Despite these moves there was a recognition at European Commission level that certain Member States/Regions wished to continue with coupled support for key agricultural sectors which faced particular challenges. Scotland was one such region and the agricultural sector which the Scottish sought to provide coupled support for was beef.


Overview of Teagasc Grange facility and specific beef support programmes

- Date: 12/12/2014

Teagasc – the Agriculture and Food Development Authority – is the national body providing integrated research, advisory and training services to the agriculture and food industry and rural communities within the Republic of Ireland. This paper provides an overview of this facility and specific beef support programmes.


Current DARD Programmes/Supports specifically designed to address issues of rural poverty, rural isolation and farmer welfare

- Date: 12/12/2014

This paper provides an overview of current DARD programmes which are specifically designed to address issues of rural isolation, rural poverty and farmer welfare.


Mechanisms utilised for the measurement of deprivation and rural deprivation across the UK and Ireland

- Date: 12/12/2014

This paper provides an overview of the mechanisms utilised for the measurement of deprivation across the UK and Ireland and also highlights any specific rural deprivation dimensions within these mechanisms


CAP Reform 2014–20: EU Agreement and Implementation in the UK and in Ireland (updated)

- Date: 03/11/2014 - Author: Mark Allen (RaISe), Emma Downing (HoC Library),Tom Edwards (SPICe), Nia Seaton (NAW Research Service), Maggie Semple (Houses of the Oireachtas Library and Research Service)

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform package for 2014-2020 has been finalised and Member States are using 2014 as a transitional year as they prepare to introduce new Basic Payment Schemes and new Rural Development Programmes. This paper updates the November 2013 version which was prepared whilst many issues were still the subject of consultation. It sets out the main implementation decisions of the four countries of the UK, and also of neighbouring Member State Ireland, in relation to the new reform package. The new agreement allows Member States and their devolved administrations a great deal of flexibility regarding how they implement the provisions


Rural isolation, poverty and rural community/farmer wellbeing – scoping paper

- Date: 18/06/2014 - Author: Mark Allen

This scoping paper explores the topical issues of rural isolation, poverty and rural community/farmer wellbeing, which have been identified as topics of interest by the Members of the ARD Committee.


The Reservoirs Bill

- Date: 13/02/2014 - Author: Mark Allen

This Bill paper provides an overview of the Reservoirs Bill as introduced to the Assembly on the 20th January 2014. The paper also identifies those areas within the Bill which may be contentious and, where relevant, compares similar legislation within England, Scotland and Wales