Written Submissions
Associate Professor Penelope Weller
Association for Real Change NI
Attorney General for Northern Ireland
British Medical Association Northern Ireland
Centre for Disability Law and Policy
Commissioner for Older People Northern Ireland
Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency
Information Commissioner's Office
Northern Ireland Ambulance Service
Northern Health and Social Care Trust
Northern Ireland Approved Social Worker Training Programme
Northern Ireland Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders
Northern Ireland Association of Social Workers
Northern Ireland Guardian Ad Litem Agency
Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission
Northern Ireland Policing Board Performance Committee
Northern Ireland Policing Board
Northern Ireland Practice and Education Council
Northern Ireland Rare Disease Partnership
Probation Board for Northern Ireland
Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland
Roy McCleland - Bamford Vision
Royal College of Psychiatrists in Northern Ireland
Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists
South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust
Southern Health and Social Care Trust
Superintendents' Association of Northern Ireland
The British Psychological Society
The Law Society of Northern Ireland