Responses by the Committee on Standards and Privileges
Statement by the Committee on Standards and Privileges
In order to provide clarification on issues related to a complaint submitted by Mr Declan O’Loan on 7 th December 2007, the Committee on Standards and Privileges has agreed to release the report by the Interim Assembly Commissioner for Standards on this complaint.
This report made two points: firstly, the substance of the complaint that alleged a breach of the Ministerial Code was a matter wholly outside the remit of the Committee.
Secondly, the complaint was based solely on media reports and as such did not constitute a complaint under the Assembly’s Code of Conduct.
The Committee agreed with these conclusions and the Members involved were informed accordingly, including being given receipt of the Interim Commissioner’s report. The complainant was also informed that should he submit evidence in support of his complaint this would be considered by the Interim Assembly Commissioner for Standards who would further advise the Committee.
In short, there was no detailed investigation by the Committee therefore there was no vindication in respect of the allegations made in the complaint. Rather, the complaint was not accepted by the Committee in the first place.
An article was published in the Belfast Newsletter on January 29 th 2008 which contained inaccuracies in reporting the conclusion of the Interim Commissioner’s report and the Committee’s deliberations on this complaint. The Committee wrote to the paper and asked for these inaccuracies to be corrected. The paper subsequently published a further article on 7 th February 2008.
The Committee has agreed to publish this letter in conjunction with the Interim Commissioner’s report to clear up any lingering misunderstanding that may exist as to the outcome of the Committee’s deliberations.