Committee for Health, Social Services and Public Safety - 2007-2011 Mandate


Democratic Unionist Party Mr Jim Wells (Chairperson) 4
  Mr Alex Easton
  Mr Paul Girvan 9,12
Independent Mr Kieran Deeny
Sinn Fein Mr Mickey Brady 1,13
  Ms Michelle O'Neill (Deputy Chairperson)
  Ms Sue Ramsey
Social Democratic and Labour Party Mr Pól Callaghan 3,11,14
  Mr Tommy Gallagher 8,10
Ulster Unionist Party Mr Sam Gardiner 2
  Mr John McCallister

1 with effect from 20 May 2008 Mrs Claire McGill replaced Ms Carál Ní Chuilín.
2 with effect from 15 September 2008 Mr Sam Gardiner replaced Rev Dr Robert Coulter.
3 with effect from 29 June 2009 Mrs Dolores Kelly replaced Mr Tommy Gallagher
4 with effect from 4 July 2009 Mr Jim Wells replaced Mrs Iris Robinson
5with effect from 14 September 2009 Mrs Iris Robinson replaced Mr Thomas Buchanan 
6with effect from 12 January 2010 Mrs Iris Robinson resigned as an MLA 
7 With effect from 15 January 2010 Mrs Carmel Hanna resigned as an MLA
8 with effect from 26 January 2010 Mr Conall McDevitt replaced Mrs Carmel Hanna 
9 with effect from 1 February 2010 Mr Thomas Buchanan filled the vacancy following the resignation of Mrs Iris Robinson 
10 with effect from Monday 24 May 2010 Mr Tommy Gallagher replaced Mr Conall McDevitt
11 with effect from Monday 24 May 2010 Mrs Mary Bradley replaced Mrs Dolores Kelly
12 with effect from 13th September 2010 Mr Paul Girvan replaced Mr Thomas Buchanan as a member of the Committee
13 with effect from 13th September 2010 Mr Mickey Brady replaced Mrs Claire McGill as a member of the Committee 
14 With effect from 22 November 2010 Mr Pól Callaghan replaced Mrs Mary Bradley