Minutes of Proceedings - 29 April 2008
Mr Billy Armstrong
Mr Thomas Buchanan
Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr John Dallat
Mrs Naomi Long
Mr Fra McCann
Ms Claire McGill
Mr Stephen Moutray
Mr Robin Newton
Mr George Savage
In Attendance:
Mrs Debbie Pritchard ((Principal Clerk)
Mrs Mairead Mageean (Assembly Clerk)
Mr William Long (Assistant Assembly Clerk)
Mr Jonathan Young (Clerical Officer)
Apologies: Mr Willie Clarke
Mrs Carmel Hanna
The meeting commenced in closed session at 16.06 p.m.with the Clerk in the Chair.
1. Apologies
Apologies are detailed above
2. Election of Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson
The Clerk asked for nominations for the post of Chairperson.
Trevor Clarke proposed that Robin Newton be Chairperson of this Committee.
Stephen Moutray seconded the proposal.
There were no other proposals.
Agreed: That Robin Newton be elected as Chairperson
The Chairperson asked for nominations for the post of Deputy Chairperson.
Fra McCann proposed that Willie Clarke (in his absence) be Deputy Chairperson of this Committee.
Mr McCann indicated that Mr Clarke would be willing to accept the post.
Claire McGill seconded the proposal.
There were no other proposals.
Agreed: That Willie Clarke be elected as Deputy Chairperson.
The meeting went into public session at 16.10p.m.
3. Declaration of Interests
The Chairperson asked Members to declare any interest, financial or otherwise, which is relevant to that debate or proceeding, where such interest is held by the Member or an immediate relative, by completing and returning the form at Tab 2 in Members’ packs.
The following Members declared an interest:
Stephen Moutray declared that he is a sub postmaster.
Claire McGill declared that she has a close relative who runs a post office.
4. Committee composition and procedures
Members were advised of the composition of the Committee and of the Ad-hoc Committee procedures.
The Committee agreed the procedures attached at Annex A.
Members were advised that they may nominate one deputy per party to attend in the event that the appointed member is unable to attend the Committee meeting.
Naomi Long nominated Anna Lo as a deputy.
5. Committee draft Forward Work Programme
The Clerk briefed Members on the draft Forward Work Programme
Agreed: That Members advise the Committee Clerk of any specific groups they wish to invite to provide evidence.
Agreed: That future Committee meetings start at 16.00p.m.
6. Research paper – overview by Dr Robert Barry, Senior Researcher
Dr Robert Barry briefed Members on the key elements of the information paper on Post Office Closures.
Agreed: Dr Barry to provide further research information for Members.
Mr Dallat joined the meeting at 16.24p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 16.35p.m. to allow Members to vote in a division during Plenary.
The meeting resumed at 17.10 with the following Members present:
Robin Newton, Fra McCann, Claire McGill, Stephen Moutray and Naomi Long.
Mr Armstrong re-joined the meeting at 17.12p.m.
7. Draft Committee Press Notice
Members considered the draft Committee Press Release.
Agreed: Committee to issue Press Release on Friday 2 May 2008.
8. Any other business
Members expressed concern at the six-week consultation period.
Agreed: Chairperson to write to PO Limited asking for the consultation period to be extended.
9. Date, time and place of next meeting
The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, 6 May 2008 at 16.00p.m. in Room 144, Parliament Buildings.
The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 17.15p.m.