Minutes of Proceedings - 21 May 2008
Mr Robin Newton (Chairperson)
Mr Roy Beggs
Mr Trevor Clarke
Mr John Dallat
Mr William Irwin
Mrs Naomi Long
Mrs Claire McGill
In Attendance:
Mrs Mairead Mageean (Assembly Clerk)
Miss Eleanor Murphy (Assistant Clerk)
Mr Jonathan Young (Clerical Officer)
Dr Robert Barry (Assembly Research Services)
Mr Billy Armstrong
Mr Willie Clarke
Mr Fra McCann
Mr George Savage
The meeting opened at 1.39pm in closed session.
Apologies are detailed above. Mr Beggs attended in place of Mr Savage.
Declaration of Interests.
The chairperson reminded members of their obligation to declare any relevant pecuniary or other interests before and during each committee meeting.
Draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th May 2008.
Agreed : the draft minutes of the meeting held on 20 th May were agreed.
Mr Dallat joined the meeting at 1.42pm.
Matters arising.
There were no matters arising.
Research Brief.
Mr Irwin joined the meeting at 1.44pm.
Dr Robert Barry of the Assembly Research Services provided an update on his engagement with Post Office Ltd and Postwatch in relation to the access criteria methodology. Dr Barry noted that both Postwatch and Post Office Ltd had been helpful in regards to the discussions he had with them.
Members noted Dr Barry’s research brief on a further analysis of the post office access criteria. Members noted the letter of response from Post Office Ltd to the Assembly Research Services statistical analysis.
Agreed: Members agreed that the Dr Barry’s research paper and the Post Office Ltd’s letter of response be included in the Committee report.
Consideration of Draft Committee Report.
The Committee considered the executive summary of the report.
Paragraph 1 – read, amended and agreed.
Paragraphs 2 – read and agreed.
The Committee considered the main body of the report.
Mrs Long left the meeting at 2.14pm.
Paragraphs 3 to 7 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 8 to 12 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 13 to 17 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 18 to 23 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 24 to 27 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 28 to 31 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 32 to 38 – read and agreed.
Paragraphs 39 to 42 – read and agreed.
Paragraph 43 – read, amended and agreed.
Agreed : Members agreed to embargo the report until the commencement of debate in plenary.
Agreed: Members agreed that the Chairperson signs the minutes of the meeting on behalf of the Committee to allow them to be included in the printed report.
Agreed: Members ordered the report to be printed.
Press Release.
Members considered the draft press release.
Agreed: Members agreed the draft press release subject to a number of amendments.
Mr Dallat left the meeting at 2.28pm.
Any Other Business.
The Chairperson advised Members that the draft report was scheduled to be debated in plenary on 2 June 2008.
The Chairperson reminded Members of the meeting with Postcomm on Thursday, 29 th May at 2.30pm.
Date, time and place of next meeting.
Thursday, 29 th May, 2.30, room to be arranged.
The chairperson adjourned the meeting at 2.40pm.