Consideration Of The Draft Criminal Justice ( Northern Ireland) Order 2007
An Ad Hoc Committee has been set up within the Assembly to consider the proposed draft Criminal Justice ( Northern Ireland) Order 2007. The draft legislation covers a wide range of issues including, amongst others: new sentencing powers; risk assessment and management of certain offenders; new road traffic offences; and alcohol-related offences. A copy of the draft Order and an Explanatory Memorandum are available at
Any organisation or individual who wishes to submit written evidence to the Committee is invited to do so by Monday 10 December 2007 at 12 noon.
All submissions should clearly indicate the relevant Article or Schedule within the draft Order to which each comment refers. Submissions should be sent (preferably by e-mail in word format) to:
Mr Kevin Shiels
Committee Clerk
Ad Hoc Committee
Room 155
Parliament Buildings
Belfast BT4 3XX
Tel. 028 9052 1065
Further information can be obtained by contacting the Clerk.