Directors' Travel & Subsistence Reimbursements April 2011 - 31 March 2012

Directors' Travel & Subsistence Reimbursements April 2011 - 31 March 2012

Account Description Transaction Date Base Amount Expense Description
Secretariat TS - Car Hire 09/06/2011 21.5 Opening of National Assemly for Wales, CardiffFuel
Secretariat TS - Car Parking 06/04/2011 30 Kosovo trip
Secretariat TS - Car Parking 09/06/2011 30 Opening of National Assemly for Wales, CardiffWelsh assembly opening
Secretariat TS - Car Parking 16/11/2011 16.5 HoC commons
Secretariat TS - Car Parking 01/03/2012 16.5 Mtg with Scottish Parliament
Secretariat TS -Taxis 01/03/2012 47.05 Mtg with Scottish Parliament
Total Director Expenditure   161.55