Good Relations Action Plan 2022 – 2025: Update December 2023
Total actions: 11
Status | Number of actions | Percentage |
Number – Complete/Complete for Reporting Period |
5 |
45.44% |
Number – Ongoing/In Progress |
0 |
0% |
Number - Not complete/Overdue |
3 |
27.3% |
Number – Not yet due |
3 |
27.3% |
Corporate Strategy Theme – Investing in the development, expertise and well-being of our people
Good Relations Aim (1): Training and Development
Action 1.1: Identify an e-learning good relations package for staff.
Desired Outcomes
Staff better understand good relations and its relevance to them in their roles within the Assembly Commission.
Performance Indicators
Year 2 (March 2024): Identification and implementation of a Good Relations E-Learning programme for staff.
Year 3 (November 2024): Staff have been trained in good relations.
Learning and Development Team and Equality and Good Relations Unit
Progress Update
Not yet due.
Work has begun to develop a Good Relations e-learning module for staff by March 2024.
Action 1.2: Ongoing training and support to policy authors in relation to the requirements of equality and good relations policy screening.
Desired Outcomes
Assembly Commission policies are screened for equality and good relations as per the Assembly Commission's Equality Scheme and Equality Commission guidance.
Performance Indicators
Over the Lifetime of the plan:
- Support and advice is provided by Equality and Good Relations Unit to Policy Authors on an ongoing basis.
- Monitoring information is collected by Learning and Development Team in relation to policy screening training.
- Quarterly Screening Reports are shared with Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and published on the Assembly website.
- Equality and Good Relations Unit
- Learning and Development Team
Progress Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
Support and advice are provided as necessary to policy authors and quarterly screening reports are shared with the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and published on the Assembly website.
Implementation/roll out of training to staff involved in equality screening is planned by 31 March.
Corporate Strategy – Building excellence and innovation in our services “Ensuring high standards in equality, governance and regulatory compliance through effective and efficient processes.”
Good Relations Aim (2): Representation
Action 2.1: Analyse recruitment data for minority ethnic applicants and appointees and, community background of applicants and appointees, against 2021 census data and take appropriate action(s) to address any under-representation issues arising e.g. welcoming statement in recruitment advertising etc.
Desired Outcomes
Staffing is reflective of the Northern Ireland working age population in relation to ethnicity and community background i.e. religious belief/political opinion.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 – 3: In May of each year produce an annual written review of monitoring data against 2021 Census data.
Year 1 – 3: Positive steps used where necessary in external recruitment to attract more applicants from minority ethnic communities and from persons of a community background that is under-represented.
Human Resources
Progress Update
Complete for Reporting Period.
The Human Resources Office analyses equality data of applicants on an ongoing basis and takes positive steps to attract applicants from under-represented groups.
A review of monitoring data against the 2021 Census was provided to SMT in May 2023 and October 2023. The next review of monitoring data against Census information is due in May 2024.
Good Relations Aim (3): Promotion of Good Relations and Dialogue
Action 3.1: Update the Events tour script to include the artefacts and images in Parliament Buildings
Desired Outcomes
To enhance the visitor experience.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 (March 2023): Tour Script updated.
Progress Update
Complete for the reporting period
The Events tour now includes the artefacts and images in the exhibition as standard. This has been well received by visitors.
Action 3.2 Publicise the Assembly 'Quiet Room' as a space for visitors and staff with/without faith for prayer and reflection
Desired Outcomes
The shared space for prayer and reflection for visitors, service users and staff of all faiths, and none, is publicised.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 (March 2023) Quiet Room is publicised on the Assembly website.
Head of Building Services
Progress Update
Complete for reporting period.
The Assembly's accreditation by the National Autistic Society requires that the Quiet Room is reserved for the use of people with autism. Other arrangements will be considered for staff or visitors who require a space for prayer or reflection. The Autism Accessibility video on the Assembly's website is being updated to include the availability of the Quiet Room.
Action 3.3 Scope out, and where appropriate, procure new technologies to support self-guided tours
Desired Outcomes
To enhance the visitor experience, increase the number of visitors and make information more accessible.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 (March 2023): Scope out what is possible in terms of self-guided tour technology.
Year 2 (March 2024): If appropriate, procure suitable technologies.
Progress Update
Not complete/overdue.
Year 1 - The Events team are identifying venues /attractions using new technologies to support self-guided tours. The team will visit some of these venues to gather information and scope out appropriate options.
Corporate Strategy - Strengthening engagement with the public "Building connections with target groups"
Good Relations Aim (4): Participation and Engagement
Action 4.1: Deliver awareness raising and capacity-building seminars specifically for minority ethnic communities
Desired Outcomes
Increased participation by minority ethnic communities in the work and activities of the Assembly.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 (March 2023): Host a series of awareness raising and capacity-building seminars.
Progress Update
Not complete/overdue.
The engagement team are currently reviewing and updating the community database and will begin a targeted outreach campaign for minority ethnic groups either when normal Assembly business resumes or, in the absence of this, early 2024.
One event, to mark Good Relations week, has been completed in which the Engagement Team worked with the Office of the Speaker to deliver an evening event in the Long Gallery. The theme was 'Together' and four speakers from various backgrounds shared their experiences of being from/working with ethnic minority communities. The event was well attended and well received.
Action 4.2: Establish an external ethnic minority stakeholder group
Desired Outcomes
Improved targeting of, access to, and participation in, Assembly Commission services and activities by BME communities.
Performance Indicators
Year 2 (March 2024): Ethnic minority stakeholder group is established.
Engagement, Equality and Good Relations Unit and Assembly Committees.
Progress Update
Not yet due.
Work has commenced to establish an ethnic minority stakeholder group.
Action 4.3: Hold a planned series of cultural events with minority ethnic groups
Desired Outcomes
Raise awareness of Assembly services with minority ethnic communities and also raise the awareness of staff about minority ethnic cultures.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 – 3: A series of events is held over the lifetime of the plan.
Engagement and Clerking.
Progress Update
Complete for the reporting period.
An annual awareness day plan is being developed to highlight various days and events throughout the calendar year raising awareness and promoting understanding of a wide range of issues including cultural and minority ethic issues.
The events will commence in January 2024 and will be reviewed and refreshed on an annual basis for maximum scope and outreach opportunities.
Action 4.4: Scope out, and where appropriate, procure new technologies to support visitor feedback on the Assembly website and at Parliament Buildings
Desired Outcomes
Improving the visitor experience.
Performance Indicators
Year 2 (March 2024): Scope out what is possible in terms of technology to support visitor feedback.
Year 3 (March 2025): If appropriate, procure suitable technologies.
RaISe with support from Equality and Good Relations Unit.
Progress Update
Not yet due.
Procurement exercise conducted in 2023. Tenders received from six concerns. A US-based company (Survey Stance) selected on grounds of value for money. Some issues still to be clarified with this company before proceeding further.
Action 4.5: Conduct research to discover how other legislatures accommodate the language needs of minority ethnic communities on their websites
Desired Outcomes
To gain greater reach and to raise awareness of the services and operations of the Assembly with minority ethnic communities via the Assembly website.
Performance Indicators
Year 1 (March 2023): Working with RaISe to conduct research to identify how other UK and Irish legislatures accommodate the language needs of minority ethnic communities on their websites and identify solution options.
RaISe with support from Equality and Good Relations Unit.
Progress Update
Not complete/overdue.
Work has just begun on this project, and it is anticipated that a Paper will be submitted by end February 2024. Delay due to pressure of other commitments.