Good Relations Action Plan 20216-21: October 2021 Update

Good Relations Action Plan 2016-21.pdf (299.78 kb)

Aim 1:  Dialogue and Consultation        

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update

1.1 Equality and good relations issues are discussed at Secretariat Management Group (SMG) and Assembly Commission meetings.

Issues are progressed in line with the Good Relations Action Plan requirements and timings.


Minutes of meetings are published on the Assembly website on a monthly basis.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit and Corporate Support Unit

Timeline: Regularly throughout 2016-2021 with the exception of Assembly recesses.


Status: Complete for reporting period

1.2 Review of initiatives on how art and exhibitions might be used within Parliament Buildings

Consideration of new art initiatives to allow opportunities to reflect the wider community within Parliament Buildings.



Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Engagement

Timeline: Long-term direction to be revisited by new Speaker and Commission in 2017/18


Status: In progress

Consultation took place with the Arts Council and the College of Art to look at proposals for a series of new art initiatives for 2018-19, but the political situation and the associated potential for reputational risk led to a decision not to progress matters until the political situation became clearer. The Assembly returned to normal business in January 2020 and a review of how art and exhibitions might be used within Parliament Buildings will be undertaken as part of the work to review and develop the visitor experience and offering in Parliament Buildings under the Corporate Strategy 2018-23.

1.3 To draft a response to Assembly Commission questions within one week of receipt

To draft answers to Assembly Commission Questions for written and/or oral answer applicable to equality and good relations.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: As required during the 2016-2021 period


Status: Complete for reporting period

The Equality and Good Relations Unit provides input, as appropriate, to relevant Assembly Commission Questions for written and oral answer. No input was required during this reporting period. during this reporting period. 


1.4 Identification of equality and good relations issues to be addressed


Issues arising to be addressed or forwarded to the appropriate Directorate for consideration


Action amended in March 2018 update to allow for the development of a separate equality and good relations survey

Action Plan following on from 2014 staff survey will be reviewed.


Use the results of future staff surveys to produce and implement action plans if required.


Monitor the progress of the implementation of action plans on an annual basis.


Staff surveys to be undertaken regularly between 2016 and 2021 and will include questions regarding equality and good relations issues.


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: RaISe/Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Draft survey to be submitted to SMG by September 2018. Date of issue to staff to be agreed.


Status: Complete

An Equality and Good Relations Staff Survey was conducted with RaISe collating the responses and preparing a report detailing the survey findings.  Staff were sent a link to the report along with a summary of the key findings.


A cross-Directorate group was established to consider the issues raised in the survey.  At the request of the group, RaISe prepared a further analysis document, breaking down the findings of the survey into themes.  At a group meeting in January 2021, it was agreed that business areas would provide an update on actions that have been taken to date to address issues raised by staff in the survey and how any outstanding issues would be addressed. A paper entitled ‘Survey analysis and responses by themes’ was tabled at the June 2021 SMG meeting. SMG agreed the publication of the document on AssISt and for it to be circulated to staff. A Postmaster was issued to staff in September 2021 and the publication placed on AssISt.


1.5 Organise three teachers’ conferences per year to increase teachers’ knowledge of the way the Assembly works and how to participate

All teachers at primary, secondary and A-Level will be invited to participate in conferences.


An estimated total of 70 teachers will attend 3 conferences per year


Increased understanding in teachers’ knowledge of how the Assembly works and how to participate will be measured via questionnaire and other means of feedback. 


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Education Team

Timeline: Hold three conferences per year over the 2016-2021 period.


Status: Partially achieved

Parliament Buildings was closed due to the COVID-19 restrictions from mid-March 2020 to mid-July 2021, therefore no conferences were held. However, the Education Service continued to organise virtual talks, which were recorded and published on the Education Service website. Talks published in April 2021 were by the Assembly European Affairs Manager, Chair of the Education Committee and the Human Rights Commission. An interview with the Equality Commissioner was recorded and published in May 2021, followed by an interview with the Chair of the Health Committee in June 2021. Schools were asked to submit questions for speakers in advance of recordings. A mailshot to all schools in September 2021 included promotion of these resources and outlined the Education Service’s proposed programme of activities for the period up until Christmas 2021.

1.6 The Assembly delivers its education programme in a format which provides for schools from different backgrounds to learn together

Schools from different backgrounds will have had the opportunity to learn together by attending education programmes together.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Education Team

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan.


Status: Complete for the reporting period

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the normal inward and outreach programmes did not take place during this period. However, the Education Service delivered a virtual programme to schools and youth groups via the MS Teams platform. It also facilitated focus groups with schools from different backgrounds on behalf of the Committee for Education as part of its review of the Impact of Lockdown and Restart on the Emotional Well-being and Mental Health of Children and Young People. This included input from a multi-school (and cross-community) project in the Banbridge area and a North Belfast youth group with young people from several schools. The opportunity to participate in that consultation and one on the Climate Change Bill, was advertised by email and Twitter. Youth groups included participants from different backgrounds. 

1.7 The Assembly focuses on engagement with disenfranchised groups

Increased engagement with minority ethnic communities to inform groups how to utilise resources available through Assembly Community Connect & partner organisations.


Target members and representative organisations of minority ethnic communities to attend ‘How the Assembly Works’ sessions to encourage a 5% increase in participation. 

Persons of different racial group.

Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Annually throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan.


Status: Complete for reporting period
Engagement has taken place with refugees and asylum seekers and a small number of people from the black and minority ethnic community at virtual stakeholder events and Assembly Connects events.


Section 75 data is collated for each Assembly Connects event and the first report to analyse this information, ‘Analysis of Surveys conducted by Engagement Unit, Sep 2020 – Mar 2021 - NIAR 90 – 21’ was produced in April 2021.  The information collected was reviewed and its findings are helping to inform and shape the delivery of future activities to encourage increased participation, including those from different racial groups.


In September 2021, initial discussions took place with the BAME community about the development of a BAME Parliament. It is hoped the Parliament will take place in early 2022.

1.8 Hold focus meetings and engage with sectoral and voluntary groups to inform committee business

Hold at least two meetings and engagement activities per month, when the Assembly is sitting, with groups which will inform committee business.


Continue to develop a database to register voluntary and community organisations by sector


Use database to gather information to inform committee business.

All good relations groups

Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Annually throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan.


Status: Complete for reporting period

During the reporting period, the Engagement Service delivered 35 educational presentations and 16 virtual stakeholder events.


The Assembly Connects database is being promoted at all Assembly Connects activities.


1.9 Legal Services Office continues to provide advice as necessary

The provision of legal advice to the NI Assembly Commission, and to staff, in relation to obligations under S75(2) of the NI Act 1998.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Legal Services Office

Timeline: As required during 2016-2021


Status: Complete for reporting period

Aim 2: Promotion of Good Relations

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update

2.1 Maintain the display of Speaker’s gifts within in the Assembly and Senate Rotundas in Parliament Buildings

Display of Speaker’s gifts is accessible to the visiting public and maintained.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Speaker’s Office

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan.


Status: Complete for reporting period.


2.2 Participation and inclusion of external groups in identified events held at Parliament Buildings

Speaker’s events and other Assembly events to be used to include external guests and organisations to highlight issues and work in the wider community. Events will vary each year but will typically include:



  1. Christmas event
  2. St Patrick’s Day event
  3. Community Relations Week
  4. International Women’s Day
  5. Chinese New Year

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Speaker’s Office/ Engagement

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan.  Subject to review on election of a new Speaker.


Status: Complete for reporting period. 

The Pensioners’ Parliament took place on 17 September 2021, which included people of different religious beliefs and political opinions.


2.3 To further develop  capacity of Assembly Commission Members on issues concerning Good Relations and Equality

Development of a mechanism to enable Members to discuss good relations issues.


Invite guest speakers and a facilitator to assist Members to discuss contentious issues through dialogue and understanding.

Members’ knowledge of good relations and equality issues is increased.


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit, Corporate Support Unit and Learning and Development


Group is established and terms of reference completed - 2016

Training needs are assessed and training developed - 2016

Facilitator and guest speakers are identified - 2016

Programme of issues confirmed - 2016

Training complete - 2016

Programme timetabled with facilitator and guest speakers on good relations issues 2017 – 2021


Status: Action suspended

This was an action agreed by the previous Commission.  The Clerking and Member Support Office (CAMS) intends to make equality and good relations training available for all Members (not restricted to Commission Members) through the Member Development plan. 


2.4 To agree a Language Policy

Prepare a paper on language policy for the Assembly Commission


Development of a clear and concise policy with measurable standards and present to the Assembly Commission for agreement.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Jan 2017 and 2017


Status: Action suspended

While a language paper was presented to SMG in March 2017 in anticipation of it being presented to the Assembly Commission when the Assembly resumed normal business, this action has now been superseded by the language commitments in the New Decade, New Approach (NDNA) deal, which was published in January 2020.   The Assembly Commission will consider the actions required within its remit in the context of the legislation passed by the Assembly. 


A motion from the Committee on Procedures was agreed by the Assembly in June 2021 to “direct(s) the Assembly Commission to provide a simultaneous and passive system for interpretation in the Assembly that is capable of supporting one meeting at any one time; and calls on the Assembly Commission to make any other arrangements as may be necessary for the operation of such a system”.  This was a motion agreed by simple majority and did not involve any change to Standing Orders on the subject of language.


Subject to the development of Standing Orders by the Assembly, the Assembly Commission will need to consider the associated resourcing implications. 


2.5 Implementation and communication of Good Relations Action Plan to staff



Communication of Policy and Action Plan to all staff.


Staff training updated to cross-reference with Good Relations Action Plan.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: 2016


Status: Complete



2.6 Reconsideration of Civic Occasions Protocol


Action added March 2017


Lead responsibility transferred to Director of Parliamentary Services in October 2017 as Facilities Director post no longer exists

Reconsideration of the draft protocol that was presented to the Assembly Commission in March 2016. 


Intended outcome is the provision of clear guidance with regard to the flying of the Union flag at Parliament Buildings to mark civic occasions, e.g., the accession of a new Monarch; the death of a serving or former First or Deputy First Minister; and a time of designated national disaster.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Director of Parliamentary Services/Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Following publication of final report by Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition


Status: On schedule to be progressed in line with timeline

Awaiting outcome of final report by Commission on Flags, Identity, Culture and Tradition. 

Aim 3:  Equality of Service Provision 

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update

3.1 Continue to utilise applicable codes and guidance from the Equality Commission NI as it relates to the recruitment of staff

Commission policies continue to reflect best practice in recruitment and continue to ensure equality of opportunity for all potential job applicants.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: HR Team

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

3.2 The Assembly focuses on engagement with disenfranchised groups

To work with the National Assembly for Wales and the Flemish Parliament to make a joint application to Erasmus+ to deliver a trans-national youth project.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Education Team

Timeline: Project length anticipated 12 months (Estimated Sept 2016 - Sept 2017)


Status: Complete.

Application unsuccessful.


3.3 Continue programme of local events to encourage young people from all backgrounds to meet and discuss issues with their MLAs

To hold ‘Let’s Talk’ events for young people from all constituencies. 

Persons of different religious belief or political opinion

Lead: Education Service

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Action partially achieved

No events took place during the reporting period due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, young people had the opportunity to discuss issues with MLAs via MLA participation in virtual meetings with schools.


3.4 Identify best practice from other sources and adopt practice following consultation with section 75 groups and internal stakeholders (Learn and share good practice from other areas)




Work with relevant teams and staff to promote the sharing of learning and outcomes from joint projects.


Continue participation on, for example, inter-parliamentary groups and civil service groups to document models of best practice.


Increased understanding of the good relations issues affecting the Northern Ireland Assembly.


Best practice is implemented and communicated.


Increased collaboration on a regional and national basis to discuss good relations issues.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.



Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

During the reporting period ongoing meetings with the Equality Commission and other stakeholders took place.  There was continued participation in relevant groups, for example, the NICS Equality Practitioners Group and the NICS/Equality Commission Statutory Duties Forum.

3.5 Advertisement of committee stage of Bills in each of the main daily newspapers and on Citizen Space as well as on social media, offering opportunities to all sections of the community to submit evidence

Improved access opportunities for people to contribute to policy development and legislative scrutiny processes.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Clerking

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021


Status: Complete for reporting period


3.6 Plans in place to encourage Committees to actively engage with the community by meeting regularly outside of Parliament Buildings


Improved opportunities for all sections of the community to contribute to policy development and legislative scrutiny processes.


Statutory Committees to aim to hold external meetings periodically throughout the mandate.


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Clerking

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

COVID restriction have curtailed visits and meetings outside of Parliament Buildings but this is reviewed on an ongoing basis as restrictions ease.


3.7 Lighting of Building

To light the exterior of Parliament Buildings on days as agreed by the Assembly Commission

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Head of Building Services

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period.

The LED floodlighting system continues to be used to light the building on days agreed by the Assembly Commission.



3.8 Continued Implementation of the ‘Perspective on…’ series

To hold inclusive events to mark anniversaries within the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ as agreed by the Assembly Commission including in 2016 the Easter Rising and the Battle of the Somme.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion.


Lead: Speaker’s Office

Timeline: Anniversaries to be marked in the 2016-2021 mandate to be agreed by the new Commission following the election. 


Status: Complete for this reporting period. 

The Speaker hosted a series of four lectures between April and June 2021 to mark the centenaries of the creation of Northern Ireland/partition and the first sitting of the old Northern Ireland Parliament.  The lectures contained an overview of events as well as a focus on the unionist and nationalist perspectives.  The Speaker also launched a Commission social media initiative, “100 years, 100 words” which gave all Members the opportunity to record a video of their perspective on the centenaries.  The videos were posted on the Assembly website.



3.9 Outreach Parliaments


(Action suspended March 2017)

To facilitate 2 BEM Parliaments per year in order to engage people from minority groups.

Persons of different racial group.


Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: In progress

The possibility of a BAME Parliament is currently being investigated as part of a series of Assembly Commission and Speaker’s events to mark the centenary of the creation of Northern Ireland/partition. A meeting was held with the BAME community in September 2021 to develop plans for the event, which it is hoped will take place in early 2022.


3.10 Assembly Community Connect (ACC)

Increased engagement database of s75 groups by 20%; inform groups how to utilise resources available through Assembly Community Connect & partner organisations.

All S75 groups, including persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

Section 75 data is collated for each Assembly Connects event and the first report to analyse this information, ‘Analysis of Surveys conducted by Engagement Unit, Sep 2020 – Mar 2021 - NIAR 90 – 21’ was produced in April 2021.  The information collected was reviewed and its findings are helping to inform and shape the delivery of future activities to encourage increased participation of those in S75 groups, including persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


3.11 Monitoring the outcome of the EQIA on the Flying of the Union Flag at Parliament Buildings

Monitoring includes regular consideration of a range of sources such as complaints, research and related policies etc.


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion.


Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Annually

Status: Complete


3.12 Access to information

The Education Service has an Irish Language Champion and the education programme can now be delivered in Irish. Based on previous years’ numbers, the programme will be delivered to approx. 3 Irish medium schools during the academic year.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Education Service

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

The Education Service received no requests to deliver the core programme in Irish during this period. An Irish-medium secondary school participated in the Ad Hoc Committee on a Bill of Rights’ consultation exercise. The Irish-medium unit of a primary school participated in the consultation on the Climate Change Bill, on behalf of the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs. Further work took place on the translation of the primary section of the Education Service website into Irish, with publication now expected by mid-November 2021.


3.13 Keep under review the use of Irish in recruitment ads

Review per recruitment competition any feedback received on the use of Irish in advertisements as relating to the recruitment process.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion.


Lead: HR Team

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period


3.14 Continued operation of alternative placement programme to trainee teachers i.e. Stranmillis College (Final year students)

To allow the Assembly to ensure that its current education programmes continue to be compatible with teacher training best practice.

Max 3 places per year lasting 2 weeks each January.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Education Team

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for this reporting period


3.15 Deliver ‘Get Involved’ conference to BAME groups


(Action added March 2017)

Deliver one conference every year to BAME groups.

Persons of different racial group.

Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-21.


Status: In progress

The possibility of a BAME Parliament is currently being investigated as part of a series of Assembly Commission and Speaker’s events to mark the centenary of the creation of Northern Ireland/partition. A meeting was held with the BAME community in September 2021 to develop plans for the event, which it is hoped will take place in early 2022.


Aim 4:  Training and Development

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update



Personal learning records to include details of equality and good relations training undertaken. 


Previous action was:

‘4.1 Personal Development Plans include equality issues/updates.’


This action has been amended to more accurately reflect the monitoring of staff learning.

Ongoing learning in relation to equality takes place.


Additional outcomes/impacts and measurements:

Learning and Development Team to update personal learning records on iTrent with mandatory equality and good relations training.  Staff can also add additional equality and good relations training to their personal learning plans, and this training will also be monitored by the L&D team. 

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: HR Team

Timeline: Annually throughout lifespan of the plan


Status: Complete for the reporting period


All training events are recorded on staff learning records.


4.2 Induction training monitored and reported on

Monitoring of mandatory staff training which includes the promotion of good relations as part of the induction process for any external appointments that occur

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: HR Team

Timeline: As required

Status: Complete for the reporting period


4.3 To provide good relations support to staff


To support mainstreaming of good relations at Directorate level

Good Relations input into training programmes as required.


Meet with relevant staff to provide good relations support and information for services within the Assembly secretariat.


Increased confidence in tackling good relations issues by staff.


Good relations agenda is mainstreamed with Assembly staff.


Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-21.


Status: Complete for reporting period


4.4 Develop an e-learning good relations package for staff training

E-learning package is developed to enable staff to better understand good relations and its relevance to their role in the Assembly.


Mandatory completion of e-learning takes place by all Assembly staff.


Monitoring of mandatory training takes place to ensure all staff complete training and it is complete to a satisfactory standard.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit and

Learning and Development

Timeline: 2018


Status: Overdue

Staff in the Equality and Good Relations Unit have continued to attend meetings of the NICS/Equality Commission Statutory Duties Forum, which is considering a range of equality matters including Section 75 online training.  An e-learning package is to be developed in consultation with forum members.  The work of the forum is behind schedule due to NICS collaborative partners being redeployed and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.    


Aim 5:  Management Information and Data

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update

5.1 Direct staff to screening training as required

Screening guidance in place for staff.


Training provided as required.


Increased knowledge and skills to address good relations issues.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit and Learning and Development

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

An email is issued every quarter to Directorates calling for completed screening forms. During this reporting period emails were issued on 18 June 2021 and on 10 September 2021.

5.2 Continued use of ‘social media’ to engage with people of NI and hear their views on the Assembly and political issues

We will have listened to the people of NI and provided different groups with a democratic understanding and the opportunity to develop mutual positions in a shared (cyber) space.


Education Service uses Social Media (Twitter) daily to inform users of its services and initiatives.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.




Lead: Education Team

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

During the reporting period, the Education Service regularly used Twitter to promote its virtual programme and an email and a paper mailshot was sent to all schools in April 2021 to encourage them to book the Assembly’s virtual education programme. Two consultation exercises took place during this period on behalf of the Education Committee (Impact of Lockdown on Children and Young People) and the Committee for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Climate Change Bill). This opportunity to increase understanding of and participate in the work of the Assembly was promoted on Twitter.

5.3 To monitor user comments collected from feedback processed in place for all engagement activities

Feedback is used, where appropriate, to help inform decisions and build the promotion of equality and good relations into the delivery of services.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Engagement Manager

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period

Section 75 data is collated for each Assembly Connects event and the first report to analyse this information, ‘Analysis of Surveys conducted by Engagement Unit, Sep 2020 – Mar 2021 - NIAR 90 – 21’ was produced in April 2021.  The information collected was reviewed and its findings are helping to inform and shape the delivery of future activities to encourage increased participation of persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.


5.4 Maintain an inventory and monitor the condition of all artefacts belonging to the Assembly

All artefacts belonging to the Assembly are kept and maintained in an appropriate manner.


Artefacts will be monitored on an annual basis.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Head of Building Services


Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Good Relations Action Plan 2016-2021.


Status: Complete for reporting period.

Artefacts belonging to the Assembly are maintained in an appropriate manner and the inventory of Assembly artefacts and artwork is reviewed at least once per year.

Aim 6: Monitoring

Action taken to better promote equality of opportunity/good relations

Intended outcome/impact and how this will be measured

Good Relations Category

Progress update

6.1 Good Relations Action Plan is updated to include additional relevant actions that arise during the lifespan of the plan.

Monitoring relevant sources to ensure any additional actions are added as appropriate.


Continue engagement with Assembly Directorates to discuss any potential issues for inclusion.


Produce a monitoring report of progress and any additional action every six months and table at SMG meetings.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit/All Directorates

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Action Plan as required.


Status: Complete for reporting period

Six-monthly monitoring updates show progress on actions, including additional activity and amended actions. Once approved, this update will be published on the Assembly website alongside previous updates.   

6.2 To provide adequate staff resources to allow the implementation of all programme activities

Directorate budget includes, where relevant, for strategic development, implementation and monitoring.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: All Directorates

Timeline: Budgeting as necessary in line with Assembly policies throughout the lifespan of the Action Plan as required.


Status: Complete for reporting period



6.3 To continue implementation and reporting to SMG of Assembly Visitor survey

Conduct a Visitor’s survey 3 times a year (generally February, June and October).


Assembly research collate data and produce a report for Equality and Good Relations Unit to be submitted to SMG with good relations six-monthly monitoring reports.

Persons of different religious belief, political opinion or racial group.

Lead: Equality and Good Relations Unit and RaISe

Timeline: Throughout the lifespan of the Action Plan as required.


Status: Suspended

Survey has been suspended since Parliament Buildings was closed to the public on 18 March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 


A review of the survey which was progressing in consultation with RaISe, has been delayed due to staffing resources and will be presented to SMG mid-2022.  This expanded survey should give a fuller picture of the visitor experience at Parliament Buildings and will enable RaISe to produce more detailed findings reports.