Press Releases 2015-2016

Synopsis: Below you will find all press releases published by the Northern Ireland Assembly during the 2015-2016 session.

Date Title Action


Committee questions the benefits from Invest to Save schemes

The Assembly Public Accounts Committee today published its report into the Invest to Save schemes which were introduced to fund Departmental projects that would generate significant savings in the 2010 to 2015 budget period. The aim was for funded projects, which would not have been taken forward without the scheme, to have a clear link between the investment made and the savings generated.

Reference: PAC 07/15/16

Read Committee questions the benefits from Invest to Save schemes


Speaker hosts St Patrick's Day event

The Speaker of the Assembly, Mitchel McLaughlin MLA is hosting an event in Parliament Buildings today to mark St Patrick’s Day, with performances of music, dance, song and storytelling.

Reference: SO 19/15/16

Read Speaker hosts St Patrick's Day event


Committee finds serious flaws in NIHE's dealings with private developers

The Public Accounts Committee today has published its report into the Governance of Land and Property in the Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE). The Report found serious failings in NIHE’s corporate governance regime in relation to a number of individual land disposals between 2004 and 2010.

Reference: PAC 06/15/16

Read Committee finds serious flaws in NIHE's dealings with private developers


Speaker hosts lecture on Easter Rising

The Speaker of the Assembly, Mitchel McLaughlin MLA is hosting a lecture in Parliament Buildings today on the 1916 Easter Rising, with a lecture by the Rev Dr Johnston McMaster of the Irish School of Ecumenics.

Reference: SO 18/15/16

Read Speaker hosts lecture on Easter Rising


Social Development Committee Visit Coleraine and Cloughmills

The Committee for Social Development visited Coleraine today where it held an external meeting at the Northern Ireland Housing Executive’s (NIHE) Causeway offices.

Reference: SD 03/15/16

Read Social Development Committee Visit Coleraine and Cloughmills


Committee welcomes Ombudsman's appointment

The Committee for the Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister has welcomed the Assembly’s nomination today of Marie Anderson for appointment to the new office of Northern Ireland Public Services Ombudsman or ‘NIPSO’.

Reference: COFMDFM 03/15/16

Read Committee welcomes Ombudsman's appointment


Committee highlights opportunities for collaboration and innovation in the justice system

The Committee for Justice today will debate its report on Justice in the 21st Century in the Assembly. The report was the outcome of a 12 month programme of engagement and collaboration with the criminal justice sector, including the judiciary, legal profession and voluntary and community organisations.

Reference: JUS 04/15/16

Read Committee highlights opportunities for collaboration and innovation in the justice system


Holistic Approach Needed to Help Homeless Says Committee

The Committee for Social Development received briefings today from the Department for Social Development and from a number of frontline organisations on the work being carried out currently to support the homeless and, particularly ‘rough sleepers’ in local towns and cities.

Reference: SD 02/15/16

Read Holistic Approach Needed to Help Homeless Says Committee


Committee brings report on post SEN provision to Assembly

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Employment and Learning today has brought a far reaching report on post Special Educational Need (SEN) provision in education, employment and training for those with learning disabilities to the Assembly Chamber.

Reference: E&L 06/15/16

Read Committee brings report on post SEN provision to Assembly


Committee finds Department figures for surplus school places don't add up

The Assembly Public Accounts Committee today published its report on the Sustainability of Schools which has found that the calculation of surplus school places just does not add up.

Reference: PAC 05/15/16

Read Committee finds Department figures for surplus school places don't add up