Order Paper

Reference: OP 310-1116

Date: 23 November 2015

The Assembly to sit at noon.

Indicative Timings for the Order of Business

1. Prayers

2. Executive Committee Business

Further Consideration Stage: Pension Schemes Bill (NIA Bill 54/11-16)

Minister for Social Development

3. Question Time

3.1 Office of the First Minister and deputy First Minister
3.1.1 Topical Questions
3.2 Social Development
3.2.1 Topical Questions

4. Committee Business

Motion: Extension of Committee Stage – Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (NIA Bill 56/11-16)


That, in accordance with Standing Order 33(4), the period referred to in Standing Order 33(2) be extended to 29 January 2016, in relation to the Committee Stage of the Credit Unions and Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Bill (NIA Bill 56/11-16).
Chairperson, Committee for Enterprise, Trade and Investment

Motion: The European Social Fund


That this Assembly acknowledges the important role of the European Social Fund in delivering essential support and services to the most vulnerable people in Northern Ireland; recognises the challenges faced by the community and voluntary sectors in the administration of the current and previous programmes; and calls on the Department for Employment and Learning to learn from its mistakes and to ensure that it works in partnership with the community and voluntary sector to deliver, efficiently and effectively, the European Social Fund programme.
Chairperson, Committee for Employment and Learning

5. Private Members' Business

Motion: Reduction in the Number of MLAs


That this Assembly notes that the Stormont House Agreement contains a deadline to reduce the number of MLAs from 108 to 90 by 2021 and the number of Executive Departments in time for the 2016 Assembly term; believes that there is an opportunity to reform the size of the Assembly and the number of Executive Departments to the same timescale; and calls on the Executive to ensure any legislation will see that the reduction in the number of MLAs takes places in time for the 2016 elections.

Mr S Dickson
Mr C Lyttle
Mr K McCarthy
Dr S Farry

6. Adjournment