Results of the Post-Primary Transfer Survey and the Post-Primary Transfer Young People’s Survey

In May 2020, the Committee for Education commissioned the Assembly’s Engagement,  Communications and Education Service teams to develop and promote a survey, to collect the views of parents/guardians, teachers and other interested parties on the subject of post-primary transfer tests. The Committee was particularly interested in assessing if and/or how the COVID-19 lockdown period had impacted on young people’s preparedness for the 2020-21 tests.

Launched on 20 July and remaining open until 7 September 2020, the survey was promoted via the Assembly’s social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter) and was also emailed directly to key stakeholder groups, who were asked to distribute the survey to their members and contacts.

The Committee for Education was also keen to hear the views of young people, and in August 2020, a separate ‘Young People’s’ survey was developed. Given the age profile and the difficulties involved in contacting young people directly, the survey was made available upon request to those who had previously completed the ‘Post-Primary Transfer Survey’. A link to the ‘Young People’s Survey’ was also emailed to key stakeholder groups, who were again asked to distribute it to their members and contacts. The ‘Young People’s Survey’ closed on 7 September with 753 completed surveys.

In total 8,517 completed surveys were received.

A link to the full report in PDF format (43 pages 1.01mb) that includes detailed reports of the responses from parents/guardians, teachers, other interested parties and from young people is available for download below.

Download (PDF) - Results of the Post-Primary Transfer Survey and the Post-Primary Transfer – Young People's Survey.