Presentation on peace and reconciliation work supported by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme

On Wednesday 8 May 2013 Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly were invited by the Committee to see and hear at first hand the peace and reconciliation work that is being supported by the European Union’s PEACE III Programme.

Chairperson of the OFMDFM Committee, Mike Nesbitt MLA, said: “The Committee takes a keen interest in Peace III funded projects as part of its oversight role in relation to Community Relations and Europe. The Committee is delighted that all MLAs have had an opportunity to see these presentations which combine to make a powerful case for Peace funding. We are also pleased that visiting UK Minister for State for Europe, David Lidington, was able to join us and see the work of Peace III.”

The groups presenting were:

  • Theatre of Witness: is a model of performance drama that brings together people, from all backgrounds and political viewpoints, who have suffered as a direct result of the conflict and gives voice to their powerful testimonies.
  • Groundwork NI: managed two projects focusing on contested physical space, attempting to overcome sectarianism and segregation within local communities in Northern Ireland and the border area.  
  • Football for All: is an IFA initiative committed to tackling sectarianism and racism through football - with a number of grass-root level education measures.