Session 2009-2010

Assembly Committee for Justice Quizzes Representatives on Legal Aid Issues

The Committee for Justice has turned its attention to the soaring cost of the Legal Aid bill in Northern Ireland and the proposed changes to the system.

Date: 18 June 2010

Committee Puts Prison Issues Top of the Agenda

The Committee for Justice has put prison issues at the top of its agenda after briefings from Prison Service officials and the Criminal Justice Inspectorate. Following the briefings the Committee has been left in no doubt of the problems facing the Northern Ireland Prison Service.

Date: 09 June 2010

Committee Takes Department To Task On Police Pension Appeals Delay

The Committee for Justice scheduled an urgent briefing with officials from the Department for Justice at its meeting on Thursday 27 May 2010. The call came in response to recent media attention on the issue of Police Injury Pension arrangements. The Committee was particularly concerned by the distress Officers are experiencing as a result of the assessment system and delays to their appeals on payment levels.

Date: 27 May 2010

Committee Looks Forward to Challenges Ahead

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Justice met today in Parliament Buildings for the first time.

Date: 22 April 2010