Committee Takes Department To Task On Police Pension Appeals Delay

Session: 2009/2010

Date: 27 May 2010

Reference: Jus02/09/10

The Northern Ireland Assembly Committee for Justice scheduled an urgent briefing with officials from the Department for Justice at its meeting today (Thursday 27 May). The call came in response to recent media attention on the issue of Police Injury Pension arrangements. The Committee was particularly concerned by the distress Officers are experiencing as a result of the assessment system and delays to their appeals on payment levels.

Committee Chairman Lord Morrow MLA, said: “The Committee is very concerned about this issue and the impact it is having on Officers’ lives. We wanted to question the Department on this and its role in the Appeals process. In particular we wanted to know why Officers have to wait so long for a decision on an appeal. Such delays are adding undue stress and worry and this is totally unacceptable.

“The Committee is not satisfied with the situation and will be urging the Minister to complete his review of the process as soon as possible, and to remain mindful of the impact on Officers already in a vulnerable and stressful situation. In the meantime the Committee has asked the Department to ensure that everything possible is done to speed up the Appeals process and we will be watching progress closely. ”