Shadow Assembly Commission Minutes of Proceedings

8 June 1999


TUESDAY 8 JUNE 1999 AT 10.30 AM

Present: Initial Presiding Officer

Mr R Coulter

Mr J Fee

Mr F Molloy

Mr P Robinson MP

In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer

In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Ms G Campbell, Mr Cosgrave

Ms L Benson and Mr P Waddell attended for part of the meeting.

Mr G Campbell, Mr D McClarty, Mr E McGrady, Mr D Watson, Mr T Sexton, Mr Hamilton and Mr McCartney attended for agenda item 3.

Apologies: Mrs E Bell

1. The minutes of the 25th May meeting were accepted


2.1 Catering and Functions Committee

The Commission to receive a report recommending a way forward once the Catering and Functions Committee has completed its initial research.

2.2 Stormont Estate

The Commission agreed to discuss practical arrangements for the Pavarotti concert at a future meeting. No additional information available on the Belfast Millennium of Speed Festival.

2.3 Crown Status

The Initial Presiding Officer has written to the Secretary of State requesting an Order in Council under Paragraph 6(1) of Schedule 5 to the Northern Ireland Act 1998 and a second Order in Council to amend Section 165 of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1998.

2.4 Industry and Parliament Trust

The Commission agreed to defer a presentation until the Autumn

2.5 Operational Plan

The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on his recent meeting with DOE when it was agreed that a working party should be established to look at flooding issues in the Estate.

2.6 Accommodation

Y Security pass equipment has been installed and staff are being trained. It was agreed that the new security pass system should be in place by 30 June and a paper to be prepared on Partners' access. The Initial Presiding Officer will consult with the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly on MPs and MEPs access before responding to the Procedure Committee at Westminster.

Y A copy of the fire precautions policy is about to issue and a paper on health and safety is being prepared. Health and safety notices will now be provided on the Annunciator system obviating the need for an extended health and safety input at the start of a tour.

Y The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he was unhappy with the effectiveness of the current detection equipment. A magnetometer has been installed at the West door and two additional magnetometers and x-ray equipment have been ordered for the East and North doors. Steps have also been taken to tighten up the Doorkeepers' approach to security screening.

2.7 SSRB

There was a discussion on the Standing Orders Committee's recommendation to extend the membership of the Commission and introduce weighted voting. The Initial Presiding Officer indicated that it was his understanding that the Northern Ireland Act 1998 provided for the Commission to determine its own procedure and that he had asked Speaker's Counsel to advise if the Standing Orders Committee is acting ultra vires.

Members agreed that the issues were about representation and the involvement of the smaller Parties. It was agreed that the Initial Presiding Officer should bring to the next meeting a proposal to address the proportionality issue.


3.1 Four of the Shadow Trustees [Mr G Campbell, Mr D McClarty, Mr E McGrady and Mr D Watson] joined the meeting for this agenda item. The Commission and the Shadow Trustees received a presentation from Mr Sexton, Government Actuaries Department, supported by Mr Hamilton and Mr McCartney, which addressed all of the issues raised by Members when the Commission discussed the first draft of the Assembly Pension Scheme on 11 May.

3.2 Mr Hamilton agreed to have the next full draft of Assembly Pension Scheme by the end of June with a first instalment, covering specific provision on the role of trustees and benefits of the scheme, available by 22 June. The Shadow Trustees and Mr Sexton, Mr Hamilton and Mr McCartney adjourned to a separate meeting room to continue the discussion on the role of trustees.

3.3 The Commission deliberated on Mr Sexton's presentation and agreed that:

Y the Assembly secretariat should provide the support to the Shadow Trustees prior to devolution;

Y Shadow Trustees should provide ongoing advice to the Commission on the design of the scheme;

Y the Commission should take advice on the handling of the old Assembly pension fund, currently administered by DFP; and

Y Mr Evans to convene a first meeting of the Shadow Trustees.


4.1 The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that the majority of the sound and vision equipment, contrary to earlier assumptions, is owned by MacMillan Media but that the Assembly has automatic right of purchase. The Commission agreed that the existing sound and vision equipment should be purchased with the possibility of moving to a leasing arrangement for any additional equipment. Members agreed that the purchase of the equipment could materially change the nature of the existing tender specification. It was agreed that the current tender process should be delayed to allow time to:

Y confirm that the existing contract can be extended for any period up to twelve months;

Y recruit an independent technical adviser;

Y explore the purchasing / leasing issue; and

Y if required initiate a new procurement process to be completed by early December. 4.2 It was agreed that the shortlisted companies should be informed of the Commission's decision to delay the tendering process to ensure that the completion is fair.


5.1 The Commission agreed dates for two meetings before the summer recess. The Initial Presiding Officer raised a number of issues which need to be addressed before the recess:

Y decision on Terms and Conditions. Mr Rogers is currently amending the NICS Terms and Conditions, for the Assembly's purposes, which include the Official Secrets Act; and

Y the need to develop the legal advice capability of the Assembly. Ms Benson to draw up job specifications and draft advertisements for a full-time legal adviser, at a level below Speaker's Counsel, and for the Examiner of Statutory rules.

5.2 The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to bring back a paper to the next Commission meeting setting out all the issues which need to be resolved before the summer recess and work which will need to be progressed over the summer.


6.1 Mr Wilson presented to the Commission his account of the incident of the forced opening of a security cabinet in the UKUP Party Office on the 13 January. The Initial Presiding Officer thanked Mr Wilson for his input and explained that the Commission would consider the matter at a future meeting. Mr Waddell to follow up with Mr McCartney on the retrieval of papers. The Commission agreed that there was a need to establish a general principle for the protection of Party / Members' property.


7.1 Members agreed the line to take at the afternoon meeting with Mr Murphy on the Appropriation Order. It was agreed that the Initial Presiding Officer and Mr Robinson would contribute to the Appropriation debate in the Lords and the Commons.


8.1 The Commission approved the request from Cookstown RUC Reserve for a tour on Saturday 19th June.


Tuesday 29 June 1999 at 2.00 pm.
Monday 05 July 1999 at 2.00 pm.


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