Shadow Assembly Commission Minutes of Proceedings

4 May 1999


TUESDAY 04 MAY 1999 AT 2.00 PM


Present: Initial Presiding Officer

Mrs E Bell

Mr R Coulter

Mr J Fee

Mr F Molloy

Mr P Robinson MP

In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer

In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Ms G Campbell, Mr Cosgrave

Mr Barnes, Ms Benson, Mr Black, Mr Elder and Mr Waddell attended for part of the meeting.


The Initial Presiding Officer outlined the role of the Catering and Functions Committee which is to represent the interests and requirements of all elected Members. The Commission asked the Committee to pay particular attention to the existing Mount Charles contract and the pricing structure. The Commission agreed the following terms of reference for the Committee:

'to make recommendations to the Commission on the development of the Assembly's catering / refreshment services'.


Members accepted the minutes of the 20th meeting with agreed changes to paras 4.2 and 4.3.


3.1 Stormont Estate

The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had written to the Secretary of State on the Pavorotti concert and the Reconciliation sculpture and will be meeting Jim Aiken on 14 May.

3.2 Head of Security

The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had consulted a number of people, including Black Rod, on the Head of Security post but would welcome additional comments from Members

3.3 Mount Charles

A paper on Privileges for Officers of the Assembly was tabled. Members agreed that access to Members' facilities should be referred to the Catering and Functions Committee and that the term "privilege" should be avoided. Credit facilities, in addition to the use of credit cards, to be available to individual Members.

3.4 Crown Status

The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had written to the Lord Chancellor for advice and that a briefing paper is being prepared for consideration by the Commission showing the list of legislation which could be covered by Crown Status. The list should be as definitive as possible.

3.5 Staffing

Arrangements were agreed for the joint business meeting / workshop on recruitment and selection, on 11 May. The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on the outcome of the tendering process for the psychological assessment and his meeting with John Semple and John Hunter to discuss the NICS promotions issue. Mr Evans reported that further to the Speaker's meeting with representatives of the Northern Ireland Committee of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) he had contacted the Certification Officer about Trade Union representation.

3.6 Industry and Parliament Trust

A presentation by the Industry and Parliament Trust to be arranged for an early Commission meeting.

3.7 Tours

It was agreed that tours at weekends and on Bank holidays would be by exception requiring prior approval from the Commission. Members agreed that any change to the definition of functions would now be for the Catering and Functions Committee to recommend. The Commission agreed that the building would be closed during August to facilitate the works programme.


4.1 Mr Cosgrave introduced a draft operational plan which was endorsed by Members as an essential internal working document. Messrs Barnes, Elder and Black highlighted key tasks within their areas of responsibility.

Clerk Assistant

A dry run of the legislative process has been completed.

Editor of Debates

Some typists have been trained as transcribers which has created a shortfall in the typist complement. TSO are working with Hansard staff to improve the hand-over operation.

Director of Information and Research Services

Mr Black provided an update on the development of IT networking services for Members. It was agreed that Mr Black should prepare a draft IT specification for constituency offices and seek approval from NIO for costs incurred prior to devolution. The Initial Presiding Officer suggested a number of improvements to the Members' Reading Room. Mr Black to make a presentation on networking services, the draft IT specification for constituency offices and video conferencing facilities at the next Commission meeting.


The Initial Presiding Officer updated Members on his recent meeting with Mr Murphy.

5.1 Appropriation Order

There is no immediate requirement to bring forward an Appropriation Act. Ms Benson to revise the Commission's estimates in readiness either for a Northern Ireland Appropriation Order pre-devolution or an Appropriation Act after the appointed day.

5.2 Salaries and Allowances

Paragraph 5 of the Schedule to the Elections Act can be sustained beyond devolution to cover salaries and allowances. Mr Murphy has confirmed that salaries and allowances can be determined by a resolution of the Assembly but will not as yet be uplifted from 01 April. Ms Benson to draft a resolution. The Initial Presiding Officer agreed to press the Minister on the proposal to revert to the six month arrangement for payment of OCAs.

5.3 Party Allowances

The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had asked Mr Murphy for written confirmation that the Assembly can make a determination on Party allowances.


Deferred until the 11th May meeting.


It was agreed that the lunchtime Basement Restaurant menu will be extended to the Press bar.


8.1 Mr Waddell reported that the SDLP move on the second floor will take three weeks and that the Women's Coalition had expressed disappointment that they had not received a response to two letters. The Initial Presiding Officer informed Members that he had already met Prof McWilliams and explained that the offer to come to the Commission or write again remains.

8.2 Members received an update on the Sound and Vision tendering process.

8.3 The preferred supplier for the provision of the security pass system specialist equipment has been selected. It was agreed that the security staff would benefit from the training provided for the Doorkeepers.


Y Members endorsed John Hunter's proposal to appoint a HR consultant.

Y The Initial Presiding Officer to suggest to the joint chairs of the Standing Orders Committee that the Commission should take questions in the Assembly no more than once per quarter.

Y The Shadow Commission considered a request from two Members for assistance with child care arrangements. Ms Benson to bring back a proposal for a voucher-based child care scheme in one month.

Y It was agreed that the leather covers for the Members' handbook should issue but the inserts to be held until after devolution.

Clerk to the Shadow Commission

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