Shadow Assembly Commission Minutes of Proceedings

8 January 1999


FRIDAY 08 JANUARY 1999 AT 10.00 AM

Present: Initial Presiding Officer

Mrs E Bell

Mr R Coulter

Mr J Fee

Mr F Molloy

Mr P Robinson MP

In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer

In Attendance: Mr T Evans, Ms G Campbell

Mr Hunter and Mr O'Reilly attended for part of

the meeting

1. The minute of the discussion on the appointment of the Clerk at the eleventh meeting was accepted without change.

2. Chairman's Remarks

The Initial Presiding Officer explained that the meeting would concentrate exclusively on Stage A of the appointment process and the issues set out in paper from Central Personnel Group, circulated in advance of the meeting. The Initial Presiding Officer raised the issue of whether the Commission should make a report to the Assembly on progress with the appointment of the Clerk and, if so, who should represent the Commission. Members agreed that a report should be made but that it would be inappropriate for the Presiding Officer to represent the Commission. A number of views were expressed including a rota system and an arrangement where Members are chosen for particular subject areas. Members agreed to revisit this issue once Stage A had been completed.

  • Appointment of the Clerk
      1. Mr Hunter, CPG, introduced his paper which covered the action points agreed at the last meeting and set out the issues to be resolved. The Commission agreed not to move beyond Stage A, at this stage, given the prevailing uncertainty around the timing of devolution.

  • Draft Advertisement and Draft Job Description

Members agreed that any amendments to the draft job description should carry through to the draft advertisement. Members endorsed Mr Robinson's proposal that the designation issue should be considered first before going into the detail of the job description. The Initial Presiding Officer confirmed that the current job description did not include a designation reference and that it would require a Member to bring forward a proposal. He also reminded Members of previous decisions that the Initial Presiding Officer would not vote on any Commission business and that any division would be decided by a simple majority.

      1. Mr Robinson proposed that the Clerk's post should be designated a Public Service appointment, which was seconded by Mr Coulter. Each Member was given the opportunity to speak and then the Initial Presiding Officer called the vote. The Commission divided with Mr Coulter and Mr Robinson voting for and Mrs Bell, Mr Fee and Mr Molloy voting against the motion. The Initial Presiding Officer confirmed that the amendment to the Draft Job Description had notbeen carried.

      2. Members went through the draft job description in detail and recommended amendments both substantive and presentational. Mr Hunter and Mr O'Reilly agreed to have the re-drafted job descriptions and job advertisement for the next meeting on 14 January.

  • Pension Provision

This was deferred to the next meeting of the Commission.

  • Job Advertisement

The Commission agreed that the post should be advertised in the three local newspapers - Irish News, Newsletter and Belfast Telegraph - The Times, Sunday Times and Irish Times as well as "The House Magazine" at Westminster.

      1. The Commission agreed that CPG should involve an external expert to serve as a member of the interview panel. CPG will approach, in turn, Roger Sands a Clerk in the House of Commons), Sir Donald Limon (former Clerk in the House of Commons) and Sir Michael Wheeler-Booth (former Clerk of the Parliaments).

      2. The Commission agreed that CPG should arrange appropriate training for all members of the selection panel.

      3. The Commission agreed that CPG should tender for the provision of a psychological assessment of shortlist candidates using an agreed select list of companies.

  • Any Other Business

All AOB items were deferred to the next meeting.

  • Date of the Next Meeting

Thursday 14 January at 10.00 am in Room 152.


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