Shadow Assembly Commission Minutes of Proceedings

14 October 1998



Present: Initial Presiding Officer

Ms E Bell

Rev R Coulter

Mr J Fee

Mr I Molloy

Mr P Robinson MP

In the Chair: Initial Presiding Officer

In attendance: Mr T Evans, Mr G Martin

1. Minutes of the Fourth Meeting of the Shadow Commission were accepted without change.

2. Matters Arising

Childcare: Final draft of the childcare questionnaire endorsed by the Commission. Members agreed that the issue of the questionnaire should be delayed for three weeks until Parties have fully occupied the third floor.

Pre-paid Envelopes: Post Office Counters have submitted a proposal which the Assembly Secretariat are considering. Members agreed that the most cost effective method of operating pre-paid envelope system needs to be developed which fully meets all members needs.

Parliament Buildings: Commission Members would like to view Parliament Buildings Artefacts to identify non-contentious items which can be returned to Parliament Buildings immediately. Members agreed that, once the Ulster Museum has indicated the exhibits it is prepared to lend to the Assembly, the Commission can then decide on which of the remaining Artefacts should be brought back to Parliament Buildings.

Car Parking: The Presiding Officer raised the issue of the Shadow Executive and Assembly Secretariat's access to the upper level car parks. The Commission agreed that any decision should be based on need and not rank and Members agreed to give further consideration. Ulsterbus to be contacted about the extent of day and evening services.

3. Accommodation Issues

Parties content with the overall allocations of third floor accommodation. Members agreed that any requests for additional rooms must go back to the Commission. The Presiding Officer tabled at the meeting two requests from the Shadow Executive for additional accommodation; an immediate requirement for new staff of the First and Deputy First Minister, who had already arrived on site, and the longer term need as identified in David Ferguson's paper. Members agreed that the additional immediate accommodation needs for the First and Deputy First Minister's staff could be made available on a time-bound basis of 2-3 months and David Ferguson is to be invited to the next meeting of the Shadow Commission to discuss the paper.

4. Appointment of Clerk/Deputy Clerks Mr Hunter, Central Personnel Group, came in at the start of the meeting and led a discussion on this Agenda Item.

5. Staffing Options

This Agenda item was deferred pending finther discussions on the appointment of the Clerk/Deputy Clerk.

6. Library Research Facility

Edgar Jardine's paper was tabled but not discussed at the meeting. Mr Evans to visit House of Commons and House of Lords on Libraries 15/16 October and will report back to the next meeting of the Commission.

7. Shadow Commission Remit

The Presiding Officer confirmed that, to date, the Government had given no indication of any plans to put down an amendment to clause 75. He suggested that the best way forward may be to put down a Probing Amendment in the Lords at the Committee stage and depending on the Minister's response could decide to go for a substantive amendment at Report stage. Members agreed that the Presiding Officer should put down a Probing Amendment acting on behalf of the Commission.

8. IT Specification

The Presiding Officer asked for feedback on the IT specification presented by Allan Black at the last meeting. Mr Robinson informed the meeting that the Pentium II J300 Processors will not be available. Members agreed that a comparable specification needs to be available. The Commission is concerned about the lack of keyboard skills and would like to consider some of the current voice recognition systems. Mr Black to arrange a demonstration for the Commission.

9. Any Other Business

The Presiding Officer raised the issue of printing costs for Chief Whips and Members and whether the cost of stationery should be paid for centrally or come out of office cost allowances (OCA). The Presiding Officer agreed to come back with an estimate of the cost of printing stationery.

The Presiding officer agreed to write to the Secretary of State on -

- mileage claims

- Secretariat and start-up costs.

10. Date of the Next Meeting: The next meeting was arranged for Thursday 22 October at 10.00 am in Room 152 Parliament Buildings.


Committee Clerk

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