Members' Expenditure 2016 - 2017

Complete figures for financial year April 2016 - March 2017 (Pre and Post election figures detailed separately)

Effective from 6 May 2016, the Independent Financial Review Panel introduced the Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016 (2016 Determination).  The 2016 Determination sets the amounts of financial support available to Members from that date and establishes the criteria that have to be met in order to claim the support.  The provisions of the 2012 Determination continued to apply up to and including 5 May 2016.

To provide clarity and ensure ease of comparison, two separate sets of figures have been published:

2012 Determination: Expenditure payments to previous Members who were candidates for the NI Assembly election on 5 May 2016 following dissolution (both returning and non-returning Members).  

2016 Determination: Expenditure payments which met the criteria of the new 2016 Determination for returning and newly elected Members.

Due to the political uncertainty, a number of Members were unable to finalise leasing arrangements for their constituency offices and a number were unable to obtain rates demands.  In order to ensure these Members are not financially penalized, the projected amounts have been accrued and this is shown in a separate column as this has not been paid, but will be in the next financial year. 

Determinations can be found on the following website 


View Members' salaries 2016 - 2017 

Name Notes 2012 Determination 2016 Determination Accrued Rent and rates Total
    (View Breakdown) (View Breakdown) (See Note)  
Agnew, Steven 3,9 £6,739.54 £51,940.95 £0.00 £58,680.49
Aiken, Stephen 4,9 £0.00 £52,706.05 £0.00 £52,706.05
Allen, Andy 3,9 £7,568.03 £77,082.68 £0.00 £84,650.71
Allister, Jim 3,9 £6,886.96 £70,046.54 £0.00 £76,933.50
Anderson, Sydney 3,8 £6,645.83 £42,675.27 £0.00 £49,321.10
Archibald, Caoimhe 4,9 £0.00 £47,535.93 £0.00 £47,535.93
Armstrong, Kellie 4,9 £0.00 £43,197.19 £0.00 £43,197.19
Attwood, Alex 3,11 £7,100.39 £59,447.41 £0.00 £66,547.80
Bailey, Claire 4,9 £0.00 £45,162.88 £0.00 £45,162.88
Barton, Rosemary 4,9 £0.00 £37,537.73 £0.00 £37,537.73
Beattie, Doug 4,9 £0.00 £54,793.66 £0.00 £54,793.66
Beggs, Roy 3,9 £6,929.02 £53,433.33 £0.00 £60,362.35
Bell, Jonathan 3,11 £6,171.95 £58,291.22 £0.00 £64,463.17
Boylan, Cathal 3,9 £6,699.76 £52,885.86 £2,965.00 £62,550.62
Boyle, Michaela 3,9 £6,962.33 £54,531.25 £0.00 £61,493.58
Bradley, Dominic 2 £59,813.37 £0.00 £0.00 £59,813.37
Bradley, Maurice 4,9 £0.00 £39,898.36 £0.00 £39,898.36
Bradley, Paula 3,9 £6,398.27 £48,518.51 £4,161.62 £59,078.40
Bradley, Sinead 4,9 £0.00 £44,037.72 £0.00 £44,037.72
Bradshaw, Paula 4,9 £0.00 £48,535.76 £0.00 £48,535.76
Buchanan, Keith 4,9 £0.00 £46,266.47 £2,540.00 £48,806.47
Buchanan, Thomas 3,9 £7,047.78 £61,595.74 £0.00 £68,643.52
Buckley, Jonathan 10 £0.00 £307.67 £0.00 £307.67
Bunting, Joanne 4,9 £0.00 £34,692.35 £0.00 £34,692.35
Butler, Robbie 4,9 £0.00 £44,135.24 £0.00 £44,135.24
Byrne, Joe 1 £5,638.76 £0.00 £0.00 £5,638.76
Cameron, Pam 3,9 £6,915.93 £67,225.69 £0.00 £74,141.62
Campbell, Gregory 2 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Carroll, Gerry 4,9 £0.00 £49,583.29 £0.00 £49,583.29
Catney,Pat 10 £0.00 £159.36 £0.00 £159.36
Chambers, Alan 4,9 £0.00 £10,004.43 £0.00 £10,004.43
Clarke, Trevor 9,11 £6,817.47 £57,560.98 £0.00 £64,378.45
Cochrane, Judith 2 £34,124.69 £0.00 £0.00 £34,124.69
Cochrane-Watson, Adrian 5 £33,029.01 £0.00 £0.00 £33,029.01
Craig, Jonathan 5 £58,052.38 £0.00 £0.00 £58,052.38
Cree, Leslie 2 £46,086.48 £0.00 £0.00 £46,086.48
Dallat, John 2,10 £65,790.04 £833.70 £0.00 £66,623.74
Dickson, Stewart 3,9 £6,879.37 £67,278.00 £0.00 £74,157.37
Dillon, Linda 4,9 £0.00 £51,568.62 £0.00 £51,568.62
Diver, Gerard 5 £14,322.01 £0.00 £0.00 £14,322.01
Dobson, Jo-Anne 3,11 £7,996.08 £63,477.33 £0.00 £71,473.41
Douglas, Sammy 3,8 £6,674.36 £53,592.75 £0.00 £60,267.11
Dunne, Gordon 3,9 £6,641.39 £65,098.40 £0.00 £71,739.79
Durkan, Mark H 3,9 £6,843.26 £57,023.44 £0.00 £63,866.70
Easton, Alex 3,9 £6,947.33 £60,427.39 £0.00 £67,374.72
Eastwood, Colum 3,9 £6,125.48 £48,452.74 £5,444.00 £60,022.22
Farry, Stephen 3,9 £6,708.33 £45,246.75 £0.00 £51,955.08
Fearon, Megan 3,9 £7,619.07 £56,907.06 £0.00 £64,526.13
Flanagan, Phil 5 £39,096.65 £0.00 £0.00 £39,096.65
Flynn, Orlaithi 7,9 £0.00 £5,859.90 £0.00 £5,859.90
Ford, David 3,9 £6,687.50 £58,720.89 £0.00 £65,408.39
Foster, Arlene 3,9 £7,067.12 £53,707.40 £0.00 £60,774.52
Frew, Paul 3,9 £5,307.24 £53,709.11 £5,245.80 £64,262.15
Gardiner, Samuel 2 £39,269.90 £0.00 £0.00 £39,269.90
Gildernew, Michelle 4,9 £0.00 £37,082.31 £0.00 £37,082.31
Girvan, Paul 3,9 £7,133.51 £65,923.20 £0.00 £73,056.71
Givan, Paul 3,9 £8,212.81 £57,178.35 £0.00 £65,391.16
Hale, Brenda 3,11 £5,493.11 £51,964.85 £0.00 £57,457.96
Hamilton, Simon 3,9 £6,808.34 £46,931.88 £0.00 £53,740.22
Hanna, Claire 3,9 £6,110.76 £48,488.62 £0.00 £54,599.38
Hazzard, Chris 3,9 £8,236.39 £40,748.56 £0.00 £48,984.95
Hilditch, David 3,9 £6,991.63 £68,034.92 £0.00 £75,026.55
Humphrey, William 3,9 £5,672.20 £58,921.63 £0.00 £64,593.83
Hussey, Ross 3,8 £7,593.34 £113,211.56 £0.00 £120,804.90
Irwin, William 3,11 £6,913.99 £63,452.77 £0.00 £70,366.76
Kearney, Declan 4,9 £0.00 £42,588.52 £2,561.60 £45,150.12
Kelly, Delores 5,10 £72,047.18 £420.52 £0.00 £72,467.70
Kelly, Gerry 3,9 £5,894.29 £60,593.48 £2,104.00 £68,591.77
Kennedy, Danny 3,11 £6,527.67 £65,387.51 £0.00 £71,915.18
Little Pengelly, Emma 3,11 £6,808.30 £59,217.77 £0.00 £66,026.07
Lo, Anna 2 £41,312.75 £0.00 £0.00 £41,312.75
Lockhart, Carla 4,9 £0.00 £55,927.99 £0.00 £55,927.99
Logan, Phillip 4,11 £0.00 £49,487.48 £0.00 £49,487.48
Long, Naomi 4,9 £0.00 £45,140.04 £0.00 £45,140.04
Lunn, Trevor 3,9 £6,777.20 £61,986.97 £0.00 £68,764.17
Lynch, Sean 3,9 £7,096.73 £50,000.49 £0.00 £57,097.22
Lyons, Gordon 3,9 £6,372.83 £60,945.25 £0.00 £67,318.08
Lyttle, Chris 3,9 £6,047.36 £62,081.45 £0.00 £68,128.81
Maginness, Alban 2 £77,381.65 £0.00 £0.00 £77,381.65
Mallon, Nichola 4,9 £0.00 £30,148.66 £1,835.00 £31,983.66
Maskey, Alex 3,9 £6,911.45 £39,357.82 £0.00 £46,269.27
McAleer, Declan 3,9 £8,366.15 £54,752.03 £0.00 £63,118.18
McCallister, John 5 £61,818.93 £0.00 £0.00 £61,818.93
McCann, Eamonn 4,11 £0.00 £52,870.70 £0.00 £52,870.70
McCann, Fra 3,9 £6,902.33 £46,885.97 £0.00 £53,788.30
McCann, Jennifer 3,6 £6,902.33 £45,476.40 £0.00 £52,378.73
McCarthy, Kieran 2 £34,907.10 £0.00 £0.00 £34,907.10
McCartney, Raymond 3,9 £6,455.51 £41,459.40 £0.00 £47,914.91
McCausland, Nelson 3,11 £5,615.92 £54,123.42 £7,158.00 £66,897.34
McCorley, Rosaleen 5 £34,799.19 £0.00 £0.00 £34,799.19
McCrea, Basil 2 £49,548.27 £0.00 £0.00 £49,548.27
McCrea, Ian 5 £58,817.62 £0.00 £0.00 £58,817.62
McCrossan, Daniel 3,9 £3,407.52 £59,383.91 £0.00 £62,791.43
McElduff, Barry 3,9 £7,787.96 £59,804.22 £0.00 £67,592.18
McGahan, Bronwyn 2 £30,552.17 £0.00 £0.00 £30,552.17
McGimpsey, Michael 2 £64,060.10 £0.00 £0.00 £64,060.10
McGlone, Patsy 3,9 £6,954.01 £58,069.77 £0.00 £65,023.78
McGrath, Colin 4,9 £0.00 £51,489.36 £0.00 £51,489.36
McGuigan, Philip 7,9 £0.00 £32,112.77 £1,835.00 £33,947.77
McGuinness, Martin 3,8 £6,746.27 £50,586.69 £0.00 £57,332.96
McIlveen, David 5 £46,809.23 £0.00 £0.00 £46,809.23
McIlveen, Michelle 3,9 £6,034.15 £57,098.91 £0.00 £63,133.06
McKay, Daithi 3,6 £7,055.32 £34,955.05 £0.00 £42,010.37
McKee, Harold 4,11 £0.00 £30,704.65 £1,186.00 £31,890.65
McKevitt, Karen 5 £47,502.18 £0.00 £0.00 £47,502.18
McKinney, Fearghal 5 £26,114.93 £0.00 £0.00 £26,114.93
McLaughlin, Maeve 5 £35,784.81 £0.00 £0.00 £35,784.81
McLaughlin, Mitchel 2 £44,925.63 £0.00 £0.00 £44,925.63
McMullan, Oliver 3,11 £7,435.60 £61,426.17 £531.00 £69,392.77
McNarry, David 2 £47,568.37 £0.00 £0.00 £47,568.37
McNulty, Justin 4,9 £0.00 £44,714.92 £0.00 £44,714.92
McPhillips, Richie 4,9 £0.00 £43,497.43 £0.00 £43,497.43
McQuillan, Adrian 3,11 £6,072.36 £58,024.51 £0.00 £64,096.87
Middleton, Garry 3,9 £6,590.02 £64,290.67 £0.00 £70,880.69
Milne, Ian 3,9 £5,690.97 £52,701.53 £734.00 £59,126.50
Morrow, Maurice 3,11 £6,627.85 £65,670.56 £0.00 £72,298.41
Moutray, Stephen 2 £37,378.29 £0.00 £0.00 £37,378.29
Mullan, Gerry 4,11 £0.00 £33,507.13 £0.00 £33,507.13
Murphy, Conor 3,9 £7,433.30 £39,110.88 £0.00 £46,544.18
Nesbitt, Mike 3,9 £6,167.13 £61,178.41 £0.00 £67,345.54
Newton, Robin 3,9 £6,636.01 £45,984.39 £0.00 £52,620.40
Ni Chuilin, Caral 3,9 £6,902.33 £59,786.80 £2,104.00 £68,793.13
Ó Muilleoir, Máirtín 3,9 £6,794.08 £49,795.92 £0.00 £56,590.00
O'Dowd, John 3,9 £7,098.61 £52,736.06 £0.00 £59,834.67
O'hOisin, Cathal 5 £41,072.02 £0.00 £0.00 £41,072.02
O'Neill, Michelle 3,9 £6,845.80 £57,969.93 £0.00 £64,815.73
Overend, Sandra 4,11 £6,274.32 £53,759.03 £0.00 £60,033.35
Palmer, Jenny 4,11 £0.00 £45,677.76 £0.00 £45,677.76
Patterson, Alastair 5 £20,456.42 £0.00 £0.00 £20,456.42
Poots, Edwin 3,9 £9,858.74 £58,512.47 £0.00 £68,371.21
Ramsey, Pat 1 £708.33 £0.00 £0.00 £708.33
Robinson, George 3,9 £6,500.00 £59,128.81 £0.00 £65,628.81
Robinson, Peter 2 £55,527.71 £0.00 £0.00 £55,527.71
Rogers, Sean 5 £38,942.81 £0.00 £0.00 £38,942.81
Ross, Alastair 3,8 £6,755.88 £56,660.31 £0.00 £63,416.19
Ruane, Caitriona 3,8 £7,469.33 £50,008.68 £0.00 £57,478.01
Seeley, Catherine 4,8 £0.00 £47,110.06 £0.00 £47,110.06
Sheehan, Pat 3,9 £6,936.40 £51,739.07 £0.00 £58,675.47
Smith, Phillip 4,11 £0.00 £51,329.59 £0.00 £51,329.59
Somerville, Neil 1 £2,444.38 £0.00 £0.00 £2,444.38
Stalford, Chris 3,9 £0.00 £43,258.91 £0.00 £43,258.91
Stewart, John 10 £0.00 £247.99 £0.00 £247.99
Storey, Mervyn 3,9 £6,526.68 £62,293.06 £0.00 £68,819.74
Sugden, Claire 3,9 £7,082.87 £53,770.76 £0.00 £60,853.63
Swann, Robin 3,9 £6,947.77 £62,099.23 £0.00 £69,047.00
Weir, Peter 3,9 £5,684.87 £58,912.70 £0.00 £64,597.57
Wells, Jim 3,9 £7,260.50 £65,820.73 £0.00 £73,081.23
Total   £1,887,503.95 £5,771,413.32 £40,405.02 £7,699,322.29


1: Resigned 15/16

2: Did not stand - May 16

3: Returned - May 16

4: Elected - May 16

5: Not returned - May 16

6: Resigned 16/17

7: Co-opted 16/17

8: Did not stand - Mar 17

9: Returned - Mar 17

10: Elected - Mar 17

11: Not returned - Mar 17