Members' Salaries and Expenses
Historic Legislation
Following the Assembly Election in 2017 an Executive was not appointed and there was a reduced level of Assembly business. During this period amendments were made to the 2016 Determination by the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland exercising powers conferred on that office by the Northern Ireland Assembly Members (Pay) Act 2018. Following the appointment of the Executive on 11 January 2020, the full provisions of the 2016 Determination were restored and these Determinations ceased to have effect.
- Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) (Period in which Assembly not functioning) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2022
- Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) (Period when there is no Executive) (EU Exit) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2019 (published on 12 March 2019)
- Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) (Present period when there is no Executive) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2018 (published on 30 October 2018)
- Assembly Members (Inflationary increase to salary) (Present period when there is no Executive) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2018 (published on 28 March 2018, revoked on 30 October 2018)