Financial Support to Members and Political Parties
Financial Support to Members
Financial support to Members is determined by the Independent Financial Review Panel (IFRP). From 6 May 2016 support is provided under the terms of the Assembly Members (Salaries and Expenses) Determination (Northern Ireland) 2016. The current and previous Determinations can be found on the IFRP website.
The financial support is administered by the Assembly Commission Finance Office, which provides advice and guidance to Members on utilising the available support. Under Standing Order 76 (2) the Assembly Commission publishes the sums paid to Members and former Members, along with a list of officeholders and the amounts that they are entitled to receive.
Administration of Financial Support to Members
In order to recover costs under the terms of the Determination Members must adhere to the rules and guidance issued by the Assembly Commission.
There are a number of documents that have been published to assist Members:
Members’ Salaries and Expenses
The amounts paid to Members and former Members are published annually in accordance with Standing Orders:
Financial Assistance to Political Parties
The Assembly provides financial assistance to parties to support Members in carrying out their Assembly duties. This is provided for under the terms of the Financial Assistance to Politicial Parties Scheme 2016.
This scheme is administered by the Assembly Commission Finance Office, which provides advice and guidance on the Scheme. Annually the expenditure claimed is audited by an independent auditor and the details of claimed expenditure are published by the Assembly Commission.
Related Links
IFRP website
Guidance to Members Retiring at Dissolution
Guidance to Members During an Election
Guidance to Members Not-Returned