Learn more about how the Assembly works

Your MLAs

MLAs - Members of the Legislative Assembly - can help you if you have concerns about matters such as policing and justice, health and social care, tourism and trade and investment. There are 90 MLAs and everyone in Northern Ireland has five MLAs in their constituency who represent them.

Find out more about your MLAs


How the Assembly works

The Northern Ireland Assembly and the Executive were set up following the 1998 Belfast Agreement, also known as the Good Friday Agreement. The Northern Ireland Assembly meets in Parliament Buildings, Belfast. The Executive or government for Northern Ireland, meets nearby in Stormont Castle and is made up of government ministers from different parties.

Find out more about how the Assembly works


What is Plenary?

A plenary session is where MLAs meet in the Assembly Chamber to debate proposed Bills and discuss Motions. These meetings are open to the public and usually held on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Find out more about Assembly Plenaries


What is a Committee?

Committees are groups of MLAs (Members of the Legislative Assembly) who look at specific subjects such as health, education, justice and more. Committee members come from different political parties. Committees:

  • hold the Northern Ireland Executive (the government) to account;
  • hold inquiries ask for your views examine bills (proposed laws) and decide on amendments (changes);
  • introduce their own bills
  • Committees have a remit which says what areas they are responsible for. Committees can look at anything in their remit.

Find out more about Committees and how they work


Video Guides

What Legislation is passing through the Assembly? [Video]

What Questions have been asked in Plenary? [Video]

How to search for issues debated in Plenary. [Video]

The work of Assembly Committees. [Video]