Educational Visits to Parliament Buildings
Educational Visits to Parliament Buildings are available Monday to Friday for schools and other groups wanting to learn about the Northern Ireland Assembly. An educational visit involves a presentation by an Education Officer and a tour of Parliament Buildings. It may also include one or more of the following:
- an activity session, eg mock election;
- a Q & A session with MLAs;
- a talk by Assembly staff, eg a Committee Clerk.
For further information, or to book an educational visit, please contact the Education Service
- by telephone on (028) 90 521 896 or (028) 90 521 833
- by email
Further information about educational visits is also available on the Assembly Education Website at
How do we elect MLAs in NI (Single Transferable Vote).mp4
The Assembly and the Executive.mp4
The Assembly’s performance in the 2011 to 2016 mandate.mp4
The Executive’s performance in the 2011 to 2016 mandate.mp4
Committees - Budget Monitoring.mp4
Committees - Committee Inquiries.mp4
Committees - The Assembly Committees.mp4
Consociationalism explained.mp4